PyTorch Implementation
This repository contains the code for the paper "From Hope to Safety: Unlearning Biases of Deep Models via Gradient Penalization in Latent Space".
Deep Neural Networks are prone to learning spurious correlations embedded in the training data, leading to potentially biased predictions. This poses risks when deploying these models for high-stake decision-making, such as in medical applications. Current methods for posthoc model correction either require input-level annotations which are only possible for spatially localized biases, or augment the latent feature space, thereby hoping to enforce the right reasons. We present a novel method for model correction on the concept level that explicitly reduces model sensitivity towards biases via gradient penalization. When modeling biases via Concept Activation Vectors, we highlight the importance of choosing robust directions, as traditional regression-based approaches such as Support Vector Machines tend to result in diverging directions. We effectively mitigate biases in controlled and real-world settings on the ISIC, Bone Age, ImageNet and CelebA datasets using VGG, ResNet and EfficientNet architectures.
We use Python 3.8.10. To install the required packages, run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Secondly, the datasets need to be downloaded. To do so, download and extract the ISIC 2019 dataset using the following:
mkdir datasets
cd datasets
Then, we need to download the Bone Age Estimation dataset. To do so, run:
cd ..
Further, we need to download the CelebA dataset. To do so, visit the CelebA website ( and download the 'aligned and cropped' version of the dataset.
Lastly, we need to download the ImageNet dataset. To do so, visit the ImageNet website and download the training and validation images.
NOTE: We provide model checkpoints! Checkpoints can be downloaded from here. Alternatively, to train models from scratch, please follow the instructions below.
Having installed the required packages and datasets, we can begin with training the models. To do so convieniently, we use config files to specify the model, dataset and training parameters.
We can generate config files using the config file generator.
To do so,
specify the config file generator parameters in config_files/config_generator_training_*.py
(replace *
with dataset name) and run (here: for ISIC2019):
cd config_files
cd ..
Note: We suggest to use wandb to track the training progress and results.
Using the previously generated config files, we can train the models. To do so, run:
python -m model_training.start_training --config_file "config_files/training/your_config_file.yaml"
Similarly as for model training, we generate config files to conveniently specify the model correction paramaters. The config-file generators are located in config_files/config_generator_correcting*.py
(replace *
with dataset name) and can be run as follows (here: for ISIC2019):
cd config_files
cd ..
In order to begin with the experiments, we need to precompute latent activations, which, for instance, will be used for the computation of CAVs. A model-correction config file needs to be provided for the specification of model type, layer of interest, dataset, etc. To do so, run:
python -m experiments.preprocessing.run_preprocessing --config_file "config_files/YOUR_CONFIG.yaml"
We can generate CAV localizations by running:
python -m experiments.preprocessing.localize_artifacts --config_file "config_files/correcting_isic/YOUR_VGG16_CONFIG.yaml" \
--layer_name "features.28" \
--cav_type "cav_type" \
--artifact "artifact"
In our experiments, we use the following parameters for the VGG-16 model with layer_name "features.28":
ImageNet: artifact: "ch_time"
ISIC: artifact: "lsb"
Bone Age: artifact: "white_color"
CelebA: artifact: "blonde_collar"
NOTE: These localizations are also used for CelebA to create input-level bias localizations for model correction with Right for the Right Reasons (RRR).
For the quantitative CAV alignment experiment, we get results by running:
# if controlled experiment (ISIC, Bone Age, ImageNet)
python -m experiments.evaluation.measure_quality_cav_attacked --config_file "config_files/YOUR_CLARC_CONFIG.yaml"
Now, we can correct the model bias by running:
python -m model_training.start_model_correction--config_file "config_files/YOUR_CONFIG.yaml"
Finally, we can evaluate the corrected model by running:
# Compute TCAV score and TCAV sensitivity
python -m experiments.evaluation.measure_tcav --config_file "config_files/YOUR_CONFIG.yaml"
# Compute R_bias (relevance on bias)
# if localized bias (ImageNet, CelebA)
python -m experiments.evaluation.artifact_relevance --config_file "config_files/YOUR_CONFIG.yaml"
# Compute attacked/clean accuracy on train/val/test split
# if controlled experiment (ISIC, Bone Age, ImageNet)
python -m experiments.evaluation.evaluate_by_subset_attacked --config_file "config_files/YOUR_CONFIG.yaml"
# Compute accuracy on subsets of dataset with/without artifact on train/val/test split
# if not controlled experiment (CelebA)
python -m experiments.evaluation.evaluate_by_subset --config_file "config_files/YOUR_CONFIG.yaml"
where this measures first the bias sensitivity in latent space via TCAV, and then the bias relevance in input space, followed by an evaluation of accuracy on the clean and biased datasets.
Lastly, we can render attribution heatmaps after model correction as follows.
python -m experiments.plots.plot_corrected_model --config_file "config_files/YOUR_CONFIG.yaml"
Attribution heatmaps for model correction using the methods Vanilla, A-ClArC, P-ClArC, Right for the right reasons (RRR), and RR-ClArC (ours) for ISIC2019 (controlled, LSB attack), Pediatric Bone Age (controlled, brightness), ImageNet (controlled, timestamp), and CelebA (real artifact: collar) are shown below.