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A collection of ZSH frameworks, plugins & themes inspired by the various awesome list collections out there.


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A collection of ZSH frameworks, plugins, tutorials & themes inspired by the various awesome list collections out there.

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  • Frameworks
    • [alf GitHub stars](#alf-github-starshttpsimgshieldsiogithubstarspsyrendustalfsvghttpsgithubcompsyrendustalf)
    • [ant-zsh GitHub stars](#ant-zsh-github-starshttpsimgshieldsiogithubstarsanthraxxant-zshsvghttpsgithubcomanthraxxant-zsh)
    • [antibody GitHub stars](#antibody-github-starshttpsimgshieldsiogithubstarscaarlos0antibodysvghttpsgithubcomcaarlos0antibody)
    • [antigen-hs GitHub stars](#antigen-hs-github-starshttpsimgshieldsiogithubstarstarraschantigen-hssvghttpsgithubcomtarraschantigen-hs)
    • [antigen GitHub stars](#antigen-github-starshttpsimgshieldsiogithubstarszsh-usersantigensvghttpsgithubcomzsh-usersantigen)
    • [dotzsh GitHub stars](#dotzsh-github-starshttpsimgshieldsiogithubstarsdotphilesdotzshsvghttpsgithubcomdotphilesdotzsh)
    • [fresh GitHub stars](#fresh-github-starshttpsimgshieldsiogithubstarsfreshshellfreshsvghttpsgithubcomfreshshellfresh)
    • [oh-my-zsh GitHub stars](#oh-my-zsh-github-starshttpsimgshieldsiogithubstarsrobbyrusselloh-my-zshsvghttpohmyzsh)
    • [prezto GitHub stars](#prezto-github-starshttpsimgshieldsiogithubstarssorin-ionescupreztosvghttpsgithubcomsorin-ionescuprezto)
    • [pumice GitHub stars](#pumice-github-starshttpsimgshieldsiogithubstarsryutamakipumicesvghttpsgithubcomryutamakipumice)
    • [zeesh GitHub stars](#zeesh-github-starshttpsimgshieldsiogithubstarszeekayzeeshsvghttpsgithubcomzeekayzeesh)
    • [zgen GitHub stars](#zgen-github-starshttpsimgshieldsiogithubstarstarjoilijazgensvghttpsgithubcomtarjoilijazgen)
    • [zilsh GitHub stars](#zilsh-github-starshttpsimgshieldsiogithubstarszilshzilshsvghttpsgithubcomzilshzilsh)
    • [zim Github stars](#zim-github-starshttpsimgshieldsiogithubstarserinerzimsvghttpsgithubcomerinerzim)
    • [zoppo GitHub stars](#zoppo-github-starshttpsimgshieldsiogithubstarszoppozopposvghttpsgithubcomzoppozoppo)
    • [zplug GitHub stars](#zplug-github-starshttpsimgshieldsiogithubstarsb4b4r07zplugsvghttpsgithubcomb4b4r07zplug)
    • [ZPM GitHub stars](#zpm-github-starshttpsimgshieldsiogithubstarshorosgrisazpmsvghttpsgithubcomhorosgrisazpm)
    • [ztanesh GitHub stars](#ztanesh-github-starshttpsimgshieldsiogithubstarsmiohtamaztaneshsvghttpsgithubcommiohtamaztanesh)
  • Tutorials
  • Plugins
  • Even more completions
  • Themes
  • Installation
    • [Antigen](#antigenhttpsgithubcomzsh-usersantigen)
    • [dotzsh](#dotzshhttpsgithubcomdotphilesdotzsh)
    • [Oh-My-Zsh](#oh-my-zshhttpohmyzsh)
    • [Prezto](#preztohttpsgithubcomsorin-ionescuprezto)
    • [Zgen](#zgenhttpsgithubcomtarjoilijazgen)
    • [zplug](#zplughttpsgithubcomb4b4r07zplug)
  • Writing New Plugins
  • Other Resources

Please read the Contributing Guidelines before contributing.


These frameworks make customizing your zsh setup easier.

Alf is an out of this world super fast and configurable framework for zsh; it's modeled after Prezto and Antigen while utilizing Oh My Zsh under the covers; and offers standard defaults, aliases, functions, auto completion, automated updates and installable prompt themes and plugins.

Ant-zsh is a tiny and lightweight ZSH configuration environment for special customization needs. It includes plugins, themes and a basic convenient setup.

Antibody is a simpler and faster replacement for antigen written in Go that can do stuff in parallel.

antigen-hs is a replacement for antigen optimized for a low overhead when starting up the shell. It will automatically clone plugins for you.

Antigen is a small set of functions that help you easily manage your shell (zsh) plugins, called bundles. The concept is pretty much the same as bundles in a typical vim+pathogen setup. Antigen is to zsh, what Vundle is to vim. Antigen can load oh-my-zsh themes and plugins and will automatically clone them for you.

Dotzsh strives to be platform and version independent. Some functionality may be lost when running under older versions of zsh, but it should degrade cleanly and allow you to use the same setup on multiple machines of differing OSes without problems.

fresh is a tool to source shell configuration (aliases, functions, etc) from others into your own configuration files. We also support files such as ackrc and gitconfig. Think of it as Bundler for your dot files.

oh-my-zsh is a community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 120+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, macports, etc), over 120 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.

Prezto enriches the ZSH command line interface environment with sane defaults, aliases, functions, auto completion, and prompt themes.

Pumice is a lightweight plugin manager for zsh.

Zeesh is a cross-platform Zsh framework. It's similar to, but incompatible with, oh-my-zsh. It has a modular plugin architecture making it easy to extend. It has a rich set of defaults, but is designed to be as lightweight as possible.

Zgen is a lightweight plugin manager for ZSH inspired by Antigen. The goal is to have a minimal overhead when starting up the shell because nobody likes waiting. The script generates a static init.zsh file which does nothing but source your plugins and append them to your fpath. The downside is that you have to refresh the init script manually with zgen reset whenever you update your .zshrc. Can load oh-my-zsh compatible plugins and themes, and will automagically clone them for you when you add them to your plugin list.

zilsh is a zsh config system that aims to appeal more to power-users and follow the simplistic approach of vim-pathogen.

Zim is a Zsh configuration framework with blazing speed and modular extensions.

Zoppo is the crippled configuration framework for Zsh. As an Italian saying goes: "chi va con lo zoppo, impara a zoppicare", we realized we were walking with a cripple and are now going to become crippled ourselves.

🌺 Zplug is a next-generation zsh plugin manager.

ZPM ( Zsh plugin manager ) is a plugin manager for zsh similar to vim-plug. ZPM plugins are compatible with oh-my-zsh. ZPM runs on Linux, Android, FreeBSD and OS X.

Ztanesh aims to improve your UNIX command line experience and productivity with the the configuration provided by the ztanesh project: the tools will make your shell more powerful and easier to use.


Generic ZSH





  • zsh-quickstart-kit - A simple quickstart for using zsh with zgen. This includes a curated collection of plugins, and will automatically configure zsh to use zgen to load them.


  • accurev-zsh GitHub stars - ZSH plugin for accurev.
  • alias-tips GitHub stars - An oh-my-zsh plugin to help remembering those aliases you defined once.
  • allergen GitHub stars - A collection of custom zsh plugins to use with antigen
  • almostontop GitHub stars - Clears previous command output every time before new command executed in shell. Insipred by alwaysontop plugin for bash
  • ansiweather GitHub stars - Weather in your terminal, with ANSI colors and Unicode symbols
  • antigen-git-rebase GitHub stars - Antigen/zsh script to aid with Git rebasing
  • antigen-git-store GitHub stars - Antigen/zsh script to store Git's current working directory. For working with Git between two computers without forcing arbitrary commits.
  • anyframe GitHub stars - A peco/percol/fzf wrapper plugin for zsh.
  • auto-fu.zsh GitHub stars - Automatic complete-word and list-choices. Originally incr-0.2.zsh by y.fujii .
  • autoenv GitHub stars - Extended version of the zsh-autoenv plugin.
  • autoupdate-antigen.zshplugin GitHub stars - Antigen doesn't do automatic updates like oh-my-zsh. This plugin adds auto updating for antigen, both of antigen and the bundles loaded in your configuration.
  • blackbox GitHub stars - Stack Exchange's toolkit for storing keys/credentials securely in a git repository.
  • browse-commit GitHub stars - A plugin that lets you open any commit in your browser from the command line.
  • calc GitHub stars - calculator for zsh
  • caniuse.plugin.zsh GitHub stars - Add Can I Use... support to ZSH.
  • cd-gitroot GitHub stars - A zsh plugin to cd to git repository root directory.
  • cdbk GitHub stars - A ZSH plugin to allow easy named directory creation - shortcuts to any directory you want.
  • cdr GitHub stars - Easy setup of cdr for zsh.
  • copyzshell GitHub stars - A ZSH plugin to copy your shell configuration to another machine over ssh.
  • crayon-syntax-zsh GitHub stars - ZSH syntax highlighting for the Crayon Plugin for Wordpress
  • crystal GitHub stars - A plugin for Crystal
  • czhttpd GitHub stars - A simple http server written in 99.9% pure zsh.
  • deer GitHub stars - A file navigator for zsh heavily inspired by ranger.
  • depot-tools GitHub stars - Simple oh-my-zsh plugin for installing the chromium depot_tools. Installing this plugin will put all of the chromium depot_tools in your path automatically.
  • elixir-oh-my-zsh GitHub stars - Oh My Zsh plugin for Elixir, IEX, Mix and Phoenix
  • emoji-cli GitHub stars - 😱 Emoji completion on the command line
  • enhancd GitHub stars - A simple tool that provides enhanced cd command
  • fzf-marks GitHub stars - Little script to create, navigate and delete bookmarks in Bash and Zsh, using the fuzzy finder fzf.
  • get-jquery GitHub stars - Plugin for fast downloading jQuery library from
  • ghost-zeus GitHub stars - Lets you use zeus with normal rails commands.
  • git-aliases.zsh GitHub stars - Creates a lot of useful aliases for combinations of commonly used git commands.
  • git-extra-commands GitHub stars - Extra git helper scripts packaged as a plugin.
  • git-it-on.zsh GitHub stars - Adds ability to open a folder in your current branch on GitHub.
  • gitfast GitHub stars - Updated fork of oh-my-zsh gitfast plugin.
  • gitignore.plugin.zsh GitHub stars - Plugin for creating .gitignore files.
  • goenv GitHub stars - Antigen plugin to manage $GOPATH similarly to Python's virtualenvwrapper.
  • going_places GitHub stars - A plugin that helps to use, create and maintain a list of shell locations
  • gprune GitHub stars - Plugin that simplifies deleting merged branches.
  • grep2awk GitHub stars - ZLE widget to transform grep command into awk command.
  • hipchat GitHub stars - Send hipchat messages from the shell.
  • hooks GitHub stars - Add missing hooks - for plugins and personal use.
  • jvm GitHub stars - Allows selection of JDK on OS X.
  • k GitHub stars - Directory listings for zsh with git features.
  • kitsunebook.plugin.zsh GitHub stars - KitsuneBook plugin for oh-my-zsh.
  • lesaint-mvn GitHub stars - Maven plugins for Oh-My-Zsh.
  • mac-packaging GitHub stars - A set of common functions used for enterprise Mac packaging with Munki
  • mfunc GitHub stars - Allows you to define persistent functions on-the-fly, without the need to add them to your config files. These functions are permanently available until you delete them.
  • mysql-colorize GitHub stars - Colors for mysql tables.
  • mysql.plugin.zsh GitHub stars - Adds some functions for dealing with mysql.
  • nice-exit-code GitHub stars - Maps exit status code to human readable string.
  • node.plugin.zsh GitHub stars - Srijan Shetty's nodejs plugin for zsh with caching of nvm completions and autoloading of nvm if present.
  • oh-my-dogesh GitHub stars - Dogification plugin.
  • oh-my-zsh-dirstack GitHub stars - Plugin for displaying dirstack info on a single line.
  • oh-my-zsh-flow3-plugin GitHub stars - This plugin makes the flow command available inside every subdirectory of the TYPO3 Flow distribution.
  • oh-my-zsh-jira-plus GitHub stars - Create JIRAs from the command line.
  • oh-my-zsh-reminder GitHub stars - A plugin which displays reminders above every prompt
  • oh-my-zsh-virtualenv-prompt GitHub stars - A fork of the virtualenv plugin from upstream. It adds support for customizing the virtualenv prompt in oh-my-zsh themes.
  • opp.zsh GitHub stars - Vim's text-objects-ish for zsh.
  • osx-dev-zsh-plugin GitHub stars - This plugin adds some commands for maintaining various server programs on my OSX install.
  • otter GitHub stars - Combination theme and plugin by Allan Hortle.
  • pantheon-terminal-notify-zsh-plugin GitHub stars - Background notifications for long running commands. Supports Elementary OS Freya
  • parallels-zsh-plugin GitHub stars - Parallels desktop plugin
  • pip-app GitHub stars - Makes it easy to install python applications into distinct virtualenvs so they don't conflict with any other python requirements on your system.
  • pretty-time-zsh GitHub stars - Convert seconds to a human readable string: 165392 → 1d 21h 56m 32s.
  • robo-zsh-plugin GitHub stars - A ZSH plugin for Robo
  • rvm-zsh GitHub stars - Initiates RVM and adds rubygem binaries (like compass) accessible in the user's $PATH
  • safe-paste - safe-paste plugin. See
  • saneopt GitHub stars - Sane defaults for zsh options, in the spirit of vim-sensible.
  • send.zsh GitHub stars - Shortcut script for zsh.
  • sf2.plugin.zsh GitHub stars - ZSH plugin for Symfony2.
  • smart-cd GitHub stars - Runs ls and git status after chpwd.
  • snippets GitHub stars - Command line snippet expansion.
  • sysadmin-util GitHub stars - Steve Kemp's collection of tool scripts for sysadmins.
  • tumult GitHub stars - Adds tools for OS X
  • vimman GitHub stars - View vim plugin manuals (help) like man in zsh
  • wakatime GitHub stars - Automatic time tracking for commands in ZSH using wakatime
  • watson.zsh GitHub stars - A plugin for watson
  • wd GitHub stars - Warp directory lets you jump to custom directories in zsh, without using cd. Why? Because cd seems ineffecient when the folder is frequently visited or has a long path.
  • yeoman-zsh-plugin GitHub stars - Edouard Lopez's Yeoman plugin for Oh My ZSH, compatible with yeoman version ≥1.0 (includes options and command auto-completion)
  • zaw GitHub stars - ZSH anything.el-like widget.
  • zce GitHub stars - Vim’s EasyMotion / Emacs’s ace-jump-mode for zsh.
  • zero GitHub stars - Zero is both a plugin and a theme. See the github page for installation details.
  • zinfo_line GitHub stars - Makes more information available to zsh themes
  • zsh-256color GitHub stars - Enhances the terminal environment with 256 colors. It looks at the chosen TERM environment variable and sees if there is respective ncurses' terminfo with 256 colors available. The result is a multicolor terminal, if available.
  • zsh-add-upstream GitHub stars - Easily add the upstream remote to your git fork.
  • zsh-async GitHub stars - Library for running asynchronous tasks in zsh without requiring any external tools.
  • zsh-autoenv GitHub stars - If a directory contains a .env file, it will automatically be executed when you cd into it.
  • zsh-autopair GitHub stars - A ZSH plugin for auto-closing, deleting and skipping over matching delimiters.
  • zsh-autosuggestions GitHub stars - Fish-like fast/unobtrusive autosuggestions for zsh.
  • zsh-basex GitHub stars - Adds several BaseX aliases for simplified usage.
  • zsh-bash GitHub stars - Makes ZSH more Bash compatible. It redefines the source command to act more like Bash does. It also enables Bash completions.
  • zsh-bd GitHub stars - Jump back to a specific directory, without doing cd ../../..
  • zsh-cmd-architect GitHub stars - build commands from what's in history and at prompt, move, delete, add command segments and search history with multi-word queries
  • zsh-colors GitHub stars - Makes it easier to colorize text from the CLI. red foo just works.
  • zsh-dircolors-solarized GitHub stars - Solarized dircolors plugin.
  • zsh-directory-history GitHub stars - A per directory history for zsh.
  • zsh-dwim GitHub stars - zsh-dwim attempts to predict what you will want to do next. It provides a key binding (control-u) that will replace the current (or previous) command line with the command you will want to run next.
  • zsh-editing-workbench GitHub stars - sane, complex command line editing (e.g. incremental history word completion)
  • zsh-functional GitHub stars - ZSH higher order functions.
  • zsh-geeknote GitHub stars - Geeknote plugin for zsh.
  • zsh-git-sync GitHub stars - A ZSH plugin to sync git repositories and clean them up.
  • zsh-grunt-plugin GitHub stars - Add autocompletion for grunt.
  • zsh-gvm (horosgrisa) GitHub stars - Go version manager plugin for zsh.
  • zsh-gvm (yerinle) GitHub stars - Provides autocompletion for gvm (Groovy enVironment Manager)
  • zsh-hints GitHub stars - Display glob and parameter flags and other non completable info right under your editing buffer.
  • zsh-history-substring-search GitHub stars - Needs to be loaded after zsh-syntax-highlighting, or they'll both break. You'll also need to bind keys to its functions, details are in the
  • zsh-konsole-theme-changer GitHub stars - Toggle konsole theme from zsh.
  • zsh-manydots-magic GitHub stars - A zle tweak for emulating ...'==../..' etc.
  • zsh-navigation-tools GitHub stars - htop-like kill, directory bookmarks browser, multi-word incremental history searcher and more
  • zsh-nodejs-plugin GitHub stars - Po-Ying Chen's Nodejs plugin for zsh.
  • zsh-notify GitHub stars - A plugin for the Z shell (on OS X and Linux) that posts desktop notifications when a command terminates with a non-zero exit status or when it took more than 30 seconds to complete, if the terminal application is in the background (or the command's terminal tab is inactive).
  • zsh-open-pr GitHub stars - A ZSH plugin to open pull requests from command line.
  • zsh-opt-path - Automatically add ~/opt subpaths to your $PATH.
  • zsh-osx GitHub stars - Add some common OS X related aliases and functions
  • zsh-pg GitHub stars Utility functions to work with PosgreSQL
  • zsh-plugin-ibtool GitHub stars - ibtool shortcuts to generate localized XIB files
  • zsh-plugin-rails GitHub stars - ZSH plugin for Rails
  • zsh-reentry-hook GitHub stars - Plugin that re-enters working directory if it has been removed and re-created.
  • zsh-suffix-alias GitHub stars: Directly open files in the shell using ZSH's suffix aliases.
  • zsh-syntax-highlighting GitHub stars - Add syntax highlighting to your zsh. Make sure you load this before zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search or they will both break.
  • zsh-t32 GitHub stars - Plugin for the Lauterbach Trace32 toolset. It automatically registers fonts and sets all necessary environment variables to run the t32 toolset.
  • zsh-terminal-app GitHub stars - plugin for integrating with the new El Capitan features
  • zsh-titles GitHub stars - Automatic window and tab titles for tmux and xterm-compatible terminals.
  • zsh-tmux-simple - Simple plugin for using tmux with zsh
  • zsh-url-highlighter GitHub stars - A plugin for the zsh syntax highlighter that turns URLs green if they respond with a "good" status, and red otherwise. Useful for checking URL typos.
  • zsh-vim-mode GitHub stars - Shrikant Sharat's bindings for zsh's vi mode so it behaves more vim-like
  • zshmarks GitHub stars - A port of Bashmarks (by Todd Werth), a simple command line bookmarking plugin, for oh-my-zsh

Even more completions

These plugins add tab completion without adding extra functions or aliases.


If you're using Antigen, you can test these themes in a running zsh with antigen theme githubuser/repo. If you're using zgen, add them to your init.zsh with zgen load githubuser/reponame.

  • af-magic-mod - af-magic-mod theme. Install with antigen theme desyncr/zshrc themes/af-magic-mod.
  • alpharized GitHub stars - Optimized to work with solarized dark. It's a modified version of the avit theme.
  • angry fly GitHub stars - Shows git information in right hand prompt.
  • bashi GitHub stars - Optimized for Ahmet Sülek's Flat UI Terminal Theme and Pasquale D'Silva's Saturn Terminal Theme.
  • blinks-xfan GitHub stars - Based on the existing theme blinks.
  • bluelines GitHub stars - Clear and blue theme.
  • bullet-train GitHub stars - Inspired by the Powerline Vim plugin. It aims for simplicity, showing information only when it's relevant.
  • bureau GitHub stars - A clear and informative two-lined prompt. Includes git status optimized for large repositories.
  • candy-light GitHub stars - Light version of the candy theme.
  • charged GitHub stars - A zsh prompt optimized for the solarized dark terminal theme.
  • chi - A zsh theme optimized for iTerm users on OS X
  • cobalt2 GitHub stars - Wes Bos' Cobalt 2 theme for ZSH and iTerm 2.
  • codemachine GitHub stars - Codemachine theme.
  • cute-theme GitHub stars - An OSX oh-my-zsh shell theme with Cute emoji based on the Powerline Vim plugin.
  • darkblood-modular GitHub stars - This version of the popular darkblood theme has been enhanced with a near complete rewrite enabling modularity and a few new features.
  • darkblood - Original darkblood theme.
  • docker-compose GitHub stars Show docker container status in your prompt.
  • dracula GitHub stars - A dark theme for Atom, Alfred, Chrome DevTools, iTerm, Sublime Text, Textmate,, Vim, Xcode, Zsh.
  • dropbox GitHub stars - A dropbox plugin for Zsh that provides dropbox-cli and dropbox-uploader commands.
  • excess GitHub stars - Simple zsh color theme.
  • exercism GitHub stars - A plugin for
  • frisk-arrow GitHub stars - A theme based on the frisk oh-my-zsh-theme.
  • frisk-red GitHub stars - Red version of the frisk theme from oh-my-zsh.
  • furio GitHub stars - Fork of the Cloud oh-my-zsh theme. with different colors and emojis.
  • gawaine GitHub stars - Nicola Racco's theme. Requires rvm & git plugins.
  • girazz GitHub stars - A modification to the gnzh theme which adds VI mode to the right prompt.
  • gitsome GitHub stars - Super simple prompt with git info, optimized for the Flat Terminal color scheme.
  • gitster GitHub stars - When in a git repo, it shows the location from the git's root folder. When not in a git repo, it shows the path relative to home, ~.
  • glimmer GitHub stars - Includes git branch, time and user@host.
  • hackerquotes GitHub stars - Outputs a hacker quote randomly when you open a terminal
  • hackersaurus GitHub stars - A theme with git status and exit code of last command run embedded in the prompt. Related to powerlevel9k.
  • honukai-iterm-zsh GitHub stars - Honukai theme and colors for Oh My ZSH and iTerm
  • horse-sh GitHub stars - A very minimal brown/red zsh theme.
  • intheloop-powerline GitHub stars - An extension of the intheloop theme to use powerline fonts.
  • itg GitHub stars - itsthatguy's theme.
  • jcl-zsh-theme GitHub stars - Loosely based on the ys theme.
  • judgedim GitHub stars - Minimalist prompt.
  • kketcham GitHub stars - Theme with nifty colors on the git info.
  • klendathu GitHub stars - Uses Powerline iconsolas.
  • lambda GitHub stars - A zsh theme optimized for git users who use unicode-compatible fonts and terminal applications
  • lime GitHub stars - Simple standalone Zsh theme.
  • liquidprompt GitHub stars - A full-featured & carefully designed adaptive prompt for Bash & ZSH.
  • maxulysse/myzsh GitHub stars Maxime Garcia's myzsh theme.
  • megaprompt GitHub stars - A maximalist prompt including keyboard mode, ownership info, and other contextual info, with λ as the prompt character. Requires the hooks plugin.
  • mindful-space GitHub stars - ZSH theme with space in mind.
  • minimal GitHub stars - S1ck94's minimal theme.
  • misa GitHub stars - misalabs' zsh theme.
  • molokai-powerline-zsh GitHub stars - Based on agnoster.
  • nanofish GitHub stars - Adds fish-style directory prompt to nanotech theme.
  • ningxia GitHub stars - Based on af-magic.
  • odin GitHub stars - Odin is a git-flavored zsh theme.
  • oh-my-git GitHub stars - An opinionated prompt for bash and zsh.
  • oh-my-zsh-robbl GitHub stars - Shows the git/svn status including the time since last commit, rvm status in prompt.
  • pad GitHub stars - A concise and colorful oh-my-zsh theme.
  • platypus GitHub stars - Platypus is a simple and convenient theme for Oh My ZSH used by Frédéric de Villamil.
  • powerlevel9k GitHub stars - A very flexible theme based on the well-known agnoster-theme with support for various VCS, AWS, rbenv, virtualenv, etc.
  • powerline-cute GitHub stars - Based on bullet-train.
  • prezto-cloud-prompt GitHub stars - Prezto port of oh-my-zsh's cloud prompt.
  • prezto_powerline GitHub stars - Powerline for prezto. Shows git information, RVM version.
  • pure GitHub stars - Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt.
  • racotecnic GitHub stars - Based on af-magic and posh-git.
  • remiii GitHub stars - Based on agnoster, optimized for solarized terminal themes.
  • rummik/zsh-theme GitHub stars Rummik's theme.
  • seeker GitHub stars - This theme uses many special unicode characters to be fancy, but it may cause some problems without well supported fonts.
  • sinon GitHub stars - k-kinzal's sinon theme.
  • sk9-zsh GitHub stars - Skeiter9's zsh theme.
  • skeletor-syntax GitHub stars - Theme collection for Atom, Prism and Zsh inspired by Skeletor from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
  • smiley GitHub stars - A prompt with happy and sad faces.
  • solarizsh GitHub stars - Color fix for robbyrussell's oh-my-zsh theme to work with Solarized.
  • spowerline - Written in scala, inspired by agnoster, tmux powerline, vim powerline and the vim status plugin.
  • statusline GitHub stars - A responsive zsh theme that provides informational segments when you need them
  • sugarfree GitHub stars - Based on the Pure and Candy themes.
  • tahuri GitHub stars - Zsh theme for Arch Linux.
  • the-time-lord GitHub stars - Based on gallifrey.
  • tvline GitHub stars - Derived from agnoster's theme, adds powerline font enhancements.
  • vinhnx GitHub stars - Modified from themes/mgutz.zsh-theme.Looks great when using with Solarized color scheme.
  • vox GitHub stars - An oh-my-zsh plugin to control VOX, a lightweight full-featured audio player for OS X that can play a variety of formats including FLAC and Ogg Vorbis
  • wild-cherry GitHub stars - A fairy-tale inspired theme for Zsh, iTerm, Sublime, Atom, & Mou
  • xremix - An oh-my-zsh shell theme based on the Jreese theme plugin
  • xxf - Shows Current commit shorten hash and message.
  • z4rr3t GitHub stars - Based on sindresorhus' pure theme.
  • zemm-blinks GitHub stars - Customized version of oh-my-zsh blinks with mercurial support and other changes.
  • zero GitHub stars - Zero's theme & plugin
  • zsh-prompt-iggy GitHub stars - A super happy awesome Powerline-style, Git-aware prezto only theme.
  • zsh-prompt-powerline GitHub stars - A fairly heavyweight zsh prompt, based on the powerline font from the popular eponymous vim plugin, which works well for a dark background.
  • zsh2000 GitHub stars - Powerline looking ZSH theme with rvm prompt, git status and branch, current time, user, hostname, pwd, exit status, root and background job status.
  • zshcomrade GitHub stars - A ZSH theme, comrade!


Some of the themes listed here require Powerline-compatible fonts, here are a few:

  • Awesome Terminal Fonts GitHub stars - A family of fonts that includes some nice monospaced Icons.
  • Fantasque Awesome Font GitHub stars - A nice monospaced font, patched with Font-Awesome, Octoicons and Powerline-Glyphs.
  • Fantasque-sans GitHub stars - Another powerline font.
  • Hack - Another Powerline-compatible font designed specifically for source code.
  • Input Mono - A family of fonts designed specifically for code. It offers both monospaced and proportional fonts and includes powerline glyphs.
  • Monoid - Monoid is customizable and optimized for coding with bitmap-like sharpness at 15px line-height even on low res displays.
  • nerd fonts GitHub stars - Collection of over 20 patched fonts (over 2,000 variations) & FontForge font patcher python script for Powerline, Font Awesome, Octicons, Devicons, and Vim Devicons. Includes: Droid Sans, Meslo, Source Code, AnonymousPro, Hack, ProFont, Inconsolata, and many more.
  • Powerline patched font collection GitHub stars - A collection of a dozen or so fonts patched to include powerline gylphs.


Most of these plugins can be installed by adding antigen bundle githubuser/reponame to your .zshrc file. Antigen will handle cloning the plugin for you automatically the next time you start zsh. You can also add the plugin to a running zsh with antigen bundle githubuser/reponame for testing before adding it to your .zshrc.

  1. Clone new plugins into .zsh.local/modules
  2. Load the plugin module in .zshrc
  3. Open a new zsh terminal window or tab
  1. cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins
  2. git clone repo
  3. Add the repo to your plugin list
  1. Clone the plugin into your prezto modules directory
  2. Add the plugin to your .zpreztorc file
  3. Open a new terminal window or tab

Most of these plugins can be installed by adding zgen load githubuser/reponame to your .zshrc file in the same function you're doing your other zgen load calls in.

Most of these plugins can be installed by adding zplug "githubuser/reponame" to your .zshrc file.

Writing New Plugins

I've documented some recommendations for writing a new plugin here.

Other Resources

ZSH Tools

Other lists

  • awesome-devenv - A curated list of awesome tools, resources and workflow tips making an awesome development environment
  • awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of awesome open source sysadmin resources

Find other useful awesome-* lists at the awesome collection

Other References

The Zsh Reference Card and zsh-lovers site are indispensable.


A collection of ZSH frameworks, plugins & themes inspired by the various awesome list collections out there.







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