A gammastep control module for waybar
This is a custom waybar module that lets you control gammastep, a program that adjusts the gamma values for wayland displays and lets you set display temperature for reduced eyestrain and blue light exposure.
- Remove need for writing absolute path to files referenced in the shell scripts
- Make waybar's "format-icons" work correctly
This module requires that you install gammastep, as well as modify the paths in gammastep.sh as well as gammastep_get_info.sh to point to wherever you install this directory (personally I have it in my .config/waybar/ directory).
Below is an example block from my waybar config.
"custom/gammastep": {
"format": "{}",
"exec": "~/.config/waybar/gammastep/gammastep_get_info.sh",
"on-scroll-up": "~/.config/waybar/gammastep;./gammastep.sh 10)",
"on-scroll-down": "~/.config/waybar/gammastep;./gammastep.sh -10)"