Check for more information about the SM engine
Make sure you have the following tools installed:
git clone
cd vbox
cp group_vars/all.yml.template group_vars/all.yml
Put the SM engine version of interest into group_vars/all.yml as value for the sm_branch variable
Create a pair of keys if you do not have one. This installation imply the private key name to be id_rsa
ssh-keygen -t rsa
vagrant up --provision
ansible-playbook provision.yml
SSH into the virtual machine
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -p 2222 [email protected]
Initialize Miniconda virtual environment
cd /opt/dev/sm
source /opt/dev/miniconda/bin/activate sm
Run tests
scripts/ -u -r
SSH into the virtual machine
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -p 2222 [email protected]
Initialize Miniconda virtual environment
cd /opt/dev/sm
source /opt/dev/miniconda/bin/activate sm
scripts/ scripts/ spheroid /opt/dev/sm/tests/data/sci_test_search_job_spheroid_dataset/ /opt/dev/sm/tests/data/sci_test_search_job_spheroid_dataset/config.json
The first time it will run for quite some time. The progress can be tracked here http://localhost:4040/stages/
After molecule annotation job is finished run the SM web app
python sm/webapp/ --config /opt/dev/sm/conf/config.json --port 8090
Open http://localhost:8090 address in a browser and explore the results
cd aws
cp group_vars/all.yml.template group_vars/all.yml
Put the SM engine version and AWS user credentials into group_vars/all.yml. Ansible may have issues with AWS credentials containing / symbol so try to generate them without it.
Create a pair of keys with help of AWS console. They will be used for ssh'ing to launched AWS instances
Spin up all needed instances. You will need at least three: web app and db instance, spark master and spark slave ones.
script for parameters used for instances launching.
ansible-playbook -i aws_start.yml -e "component=all key_name=NAME_OF_YOUR_AWS_KEY"
Provision web application and database instance
ansible-playbook -i aws_provision_webserver.yml
If you gen the message "Failed to connect to the host via ssh." try to issue the command
ansible-playbook aws_clean_cache.yml
Provision Spark cluster instances
ansible-playbook -i aws_provision_spark.yml
Once provisioning process is finished successfully you can ssh to the Spark master instance (should have sm-spark-master name). Try to run the example molecule annotation job like above.
To deploy and start the web app the command and open http://AWS_WEB_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS:8080
ansible-playbook -i web_app_deploy.yml
When you do not need the Spark cluster any more don't forget to stop it.
ansible-playbook -i aws_stop.yml -e "component=all key_name=NAME_OF_YOUR_AWS_KEY"
This project is licensed under Apache 2.0 license.