A Flutter plugin to upload files using the tus resumable upload protocol:
- TUSKit on iOS
- tus-android-client on Android
- Supports multiple upload endpoints.
- Callbacks for the following events: Progress, Completed and Error.
Pull requests are always welcome!
Add the following to your pubspec.yml
tus: 0.0.1
import 'package:tus/tus.dart';
// Create tus client
var tusD = Tus(endpointUrl);
// Setup tus headers
tusD.headers = <String, String>{
"Authorization": authorizationHeader,
// Initialize the tus client
var response = await tusD.initializeWithEndpoint();
response.forEach((dynamic key, dynamic value) {
print("[$key] $value");
// Callbacks for tus events
tusD.onError = (String error, Tus tus) {
setState(() {
progressBar = 0.0;
inProgress = true;
resultText = error;
tusD.onProgress =
(int bytesWritten, int bytesTotal, double progress, Tus tus) {
setState(() {
progressBar = (bytesWritten / bytesTotal);
tusD.onComplete = (String result, Tus tus) {
print("File can be found: $result");
setState(() {
inProgress = true;
progressBar = 1.0;
resultText = result;
// Trigger file upload.
await tusD.createUploadFromFile(
path, // local path on device i.e. /storage/.../image.jpg
metadata: <String, String>{ // additional metadata
"test": "message",
// Get the result from your onComplete callback
- Write tests and code coverage
- tus client for the web