personal setup with flakes and home-manager, deploying secrets with sops-nix.
- smartctl_exporter and scrutiny error logs
- spotify keeps redownloading saved songs when starting application every time
- persist deluge config
- two zfs tanks unlocked with one password prompt
- NH the nix helper (vimjoyer)
- better modularization like vimjoyer
- disko
- restic off-site backup with hetzner storage box or backblaze
- git archive
- prometheus exporters and dashboards for:
- dashboard monitoring sanoid and syncoid
- alerting
- restic (once offsite backup is done)
- Initial partitioning and formating the drive with zfs
- Sanoid and Syncoid
- Setup of hdds
- Nextcloud
- Auto unlock gnome keyring
- Jellyfin
- Deluge
- Firefox-syncserver
- Syncthing
- Immich
- Citrix Workspace
full credit to
Partition and format the drive:
sudo sgdisk --zap-all /dev/nvme0n1
sudo fdisk /dev/nvme0n1
, then:
accept default part num
accept default first sector
last sector: +2G
use partiton type 1 (EFI System)
accept default partition number
accept default first sector
accept default last sector
No swap partition (huge amount of memory, also security)
Create the boot volume:
sudo mkfs.fat -F 32 /dev/nvme0n1p1
sudo fatlabel /dev/nvme0n1p1 NIXBOOT
- Create a zpool:
sudo zpool create -f \
-o altroot="/mnt" \
-o ashift=12 \
-o autotrim=on \
-O compression=lz4 \
-O acltype=posixacl \
-O xattr=sa \
-O relatime=on \
-O normalization=formD \
-O dnodesize=auto \
-O sync=disabled \
-O encryption=aes-256-gcm \
-O keylocation=prompt \
-O keyformat=passphrase \
-O mountpoint=none \
- Create zfs volumes::
sudo zfs create -o mountpoint=legacy NIXROOT/root
sudo zfs create -o mountpoint=legacy NIXROOT/home
# reserved to cope with running out of disk space
sudo zfs create -o refreservation=1G -o mountpoint=none NIXROOT/reserved
sudo mount -t zfs NIXROOT/root /mnt
- Mount subvolumes:
sudo mkdir /mnt/boot
sudo mkdir /mnt/home
sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/boot
sudo mount -t zfs NIXROOT/home /mnt/home
sudo zpool create tank raidz1 sdb sdc sdd -O compression=lz4 -o autotrim=on -O encryp
tion=aes-256-gcm -O keylocation=prompt -O keyformat=passphrase
fully based on:
backup target is home-server (omhe) and backup source is eg desktop (rainbow, with data to be backed up).
- ssh key passphraseless generated via
and then deployed via sops:
# hosts/omhe/sanoid-backup-target.nix
sops.secrets."ssh/keys/backup" = {
mode = "0600";
path = "/var/lib/syncoid/backup"; # key need to be on this location, if this directory doesnt exist yet: i think it gets created when syncoid is either installed or maybe when it attempts to sync at least one source
owner = "syncoid"; # key is for the syncoid user, if this is not set there are permission issues
- on the source machine (rainbow) set up a backup user:
# hosts/rainbow/sanoid-backup-source.nix
users.users.backup = {
isNormalUser = true;
createHome = false;
home = "/var/empty";
extraGroups = [ ];
openssh = {
authorizedKeys.keys = [
''ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMg2AFhpk8nsyxXSRLnSaEWXDQFQzCEsw+TsQsK/Hi9U fschn@rainbow''
- On your source system (rainbow), give some ZFS permissions to the backup user on the dataset that you want to back up. These are necessary for syncoid to do its job:
sudo zfs allow backup compression,hold,send,snapshot,mount,destroy NIXROOT/home
- for backup target (omhe):
# hosts/omhe/configuration.nix
# dont ask for "tank/rainbow-backup" credentials at boot, but have tank pool key loaded
boot.zfs.requestEncryptionCredentials = lib.mkForce [ "NIXROOT" "tank"];
Finally on the target system(omhe) configure a
to pull from the source system datasetNIXROOT/home
, and a 'services.sanoid' to keep around historical snapshots. The dataset I'm backing up to is 'tank/rainbow-backup' and this can not exist before syncoid and sanoid services inital run as they create it automatically and throw an error otherwise. -
On the source system (rainbow), configure a
to keep around a few historical datasets.
- prerequesite for
home = "/tank/Nextcloud";
sudo zfs create tank/Nextcloud
sudo zfs set mountpoint=/tank/Nextcloud tank/Nextcloud
- to avoid
nexcould version is marked insecure
error, specify nextcloud package:
services.nextcloud.package = pkgs.nextcloud29;
- prometheus nextcloud-exporter prerequesite:
# Generate random value (for example using openssl)
TOKEN=$(openssl rand -hex 32)
# Set token (using the occ console application)
nextcloud-occ config:app:set serverinfo token --value "$TOKEN"
- ONLYOFFICE DocumentServer:
services.onlyoffice = {
enable = true;
jwtSecretFile = config.sops.secrets."onlyoffice/jwtSecretFile".path;
hostname = "";
# reverse proxy
services.nginx = {
virtualHosts.${} = {
useACMEHost = "";
forceSSL = true;
# secret deployment
sops.secrets."onlyoffice/jwtSecretFile" = {
owner = "onlyoffice";
Then point nextcloud to the document server from within the Nextcloud UI ("Administration Settings" -> Administration -> ONLYOFFICE), and make sure the 'services.onlyoffice.jwtSecretFile points to a file containing the same key as entered in the configuration of the Nextcloud app.
Also needed to change the port of scrutiny from 8080 to 8081, as somehow the onlyoffice documentserver needs the 8080 port.
- nextcloud logs dashbaord with loki and promtail
extra nextcloud settings:
services.nextcloud.settings = {
loglevel = 1;
log_type = "file";
logfile = "/tank/Nextcloud/data/nextcloud.log";
log_type_audit = "file";
logfile_audit = "/tank/Nextcloud/data/audit.log";
add following scrape_config to services.promtail.configuration
job_name = "system";
static_configs = [{
targets = [ "" ];
labels = {
instance = "";
env = "home-lab";
job = "nextcloud";
__path__ = "/tank/Nextcloud/data/{nextcloud,audit}.log";
and give the necesary permissions for the promtail user with:
users.users.promtail.extraGroups = [ "nextcloud" ];
needed for protonmail-bridge and nextclould-client. First:
# modules/gnome.nix
services.gnome.gnome-keyring.enable = true; = true;
programs.seahorse.enable = true; # installing gui
Then based on this reply:
This is extremely non obvious, but if you want to have autologin unlock your gnome keyring on startup, the keyring needs to have a blank password.
I actually don't remember where I read this, I just have this as a comment in my config. I do remember spending hours trying to figure out wtf it wasn't working though.
I can't speak to the security implications of this. I autologin on my laptop, because my "login" is the ZFS passphrase prompt to decrypt the drives, so that isn't really a concern for me.
Changing the keyring password with seahorse to blank, and voilà it works.
prerequiste for jellyfin.dataDir
sudo zfs create /tank/Jellyfin
sudo chown jellyfin:jellyfin /tank/Jellyfin
adding a plugin, via jellyfin web-ui:
# admin-dashboard > plugins > repositories
prerequiste for deluge.dataDir
sudo zfs create /tank/Deluge
Setting up deluge in a sperate network namespace with only a wireguard vpn interface:
First, creating network namespace with wireguard vpn interface based on this tutorual:
# VPN wireguard conf file
sops.secrets."Deluge/vpn.conf" = { };
sops.secrets."Deluge/vpn-ip4addr-cidr" = { };
# creating network namespace"netns@" = {
description = "%I network namespace";
before = [ "" ];
serviceConfig = {
Type = "oneshot";
RemainAfterExit = true;
ExecStart = "${pkgs.iproute2}/bin/ip netns add %I";
ExecStop = "${pkgs.iproute2}/bin/ip netns del %I";
# setting up wireguard interafe within network namespace = {
description = "wg network interface";
bindsTo = [ "[email protected]" ];
requires = [ "" ];
after = [ "[email protected]" ];
serviceConfig = {
Type = "oneshot";
RemainAfterExit = true;
ExecStart = with pkgs; writers.writeBash "wg-up" ''
see -e
${iproute2}/bin/ip link add wg0 type wireguard
${iproute2}/bin/ip link set wg0 netns wg
${iproute2}/bin/ip -n wg address add ${toString config.sops.secrets."Deluge/vpn-ip4addr-cidr".path} dev wg0
# ${iproute2}/bin/ip -n wg -6 address add <ipv6 VPN addr/cidr> dev wg0
${iproute2}/bin/ip netns exec wg \
${wireguard-tools}/bin/wg setconf wg0 ${toString config.sops.secrets."Deluge/vpn.conf".path}
${iproute2}/bin/ip -n wg link set wg0 up
# need to set lo up as network namespace is started with lo down
${iproute2}/bin/ip -n wg link set lo up
${iproute2}/bin/ip -n wg route add default dev wg0
# ${iproute2}/bin/ip -n wg -6 route add default dev wg0
ExecStop = with pkgs; writers.writeBash "wg-down" ''
${iproute2}/bin/ip -n wg route del default dev wg0
# ${iproute2}/bin/ip -n wg -6 route del default dev wg0
${iproute2}/bin/ip -n wg link del wg0
Second, binding deluged to newly created network namespace and enabling connectivity of delugeweb (in root namespace) to delguded in seperate network namespace, based on this tutorial:
# binding deluged to network namespace = [ "[email protected]" ]; = [ "" "wg.service" ]; = [ "/var/run/netns/wg" ];
# allowing delugeweb to access deluged in network namespace, a socket is necesarry
systemd.sockets."proxy-to-deluged" = {
enable = true;
description = "Socket for Proxy to Deluge Daemon";
listenStreams = [ "58846" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
# creating proxy service on socket, which forwards the same port from the root namespace to the isolated namespace"proxy-to-deluged" = {
enable = true;
description = "Proxy to Deluge Daemon in Network Namespace";
requires = [ "deluged.service" "proxy-to-deluged.socket" ];
after = [ "deluged.service" "proxy-to-deluged.socket" ];
unitConfig = { JoinsNamespaceOf = "deluged.service"; };
serviceConfig = {
User = "deluge";
Group = "deluge";
ExecStart = "${pkgs.systemd}/lib/systemd/systemd-socket-proxyd --exit-idle-time=5min";
PrivateNetwork = "yes";
Navigate to about:config in your Firefox address bar and set identity.sync.tokenserver.uri to
On Firefox android go to Settings > About Firefox and tap the logo a bunch, it will enable a few hidden options back on the main Settings page. One of which should be custom Sync and Firefox Accound settings.
as prerequisite for Paperless:
sudo zfs create tank/Paperless
sudo chown -R fschn:users /tank/Paperless
as prerequisite for Paperless:
sudo zfs create tank/Photos
sudo chown -R fschn:users /tank/Photos
added photos folder from rainbow host to be synced in syncthing.nix
add /tank/Photos
as external library in immich admin web gui.
First downlaoded the tar.gz installation file from the citrix homepage, getting the correct version is important. then nix-prefetch-url file://$PWD/linuxx64-
, again with the correct version.
- Auto unlocking gnome keyring
- Switching bootloader from Grub to systemd-boot
- Nextcloud reinstallation
- Grafana
- Firefox-syncserver
- Deluge in network namespace with wireguard vpn
- Jellyfin
- sops-nix
- stable-diffusion
If changing to a blank password of the current keyring doesnt work, creating a new keyring with a blank password (while keeping the old one with all entries) seems to do the trick.
- could not find any previously installed systemd-boot
run sudo bootctl install
- not enough space on /boot
based on this repy:
- Do a sudo nixos-rebuild build so that you’re sure that the build of your current configuration can be carried out
- Do a garbage collection to remove old system generations with sudo nix-collect-garbage -d
- Manually make some space in boot. Find your kernels and rm them.
- Run sudo nixos-rebuild switch or sudo nixos-rebuild boot. This time your bootloader will be installed correctly along with the new kernel and initrd
- Make sure point 4 was executed correctly by looking at the output and reboot
- [optional] remove the result directory created by point 1
After manually removing nextcloud data and rebuilding, with e.g.:
zfs destroy tank/Nextcloud
zfs create tank/Nextcloud
nixos-rebuild switch
- the user already exisits error
renaming the admin user with services.nextcloud.config.adminuser
to another value does work. probably the previous user is kept in the cache despite delete the whole filesystem. also deleteing the old users in the nextcloud interface ensures not running out of names eventually.
- to avoid
provisioned dashboard cannot be deleted / saved
, the followgin needs to be edited:
environment.etc = {
"grafana-dashboards/node-exporter-full_rev37.json" = {
source = ./dashboards/node-exporter-full_rev37.json;
group = "grafana";
user = "grafana";
but also, when adding a new dashboard it needs to be imported manually with the grafana web interface and then exported as json first, and only then to be added to the config via the above code. this adds the specific datasource uid to the json.
- Node Exporter Dashboard graphs, displaying
no data
when selecting time range smaller than 24h. Because the dashboard is expecting prometheus to scrape every 15s.
To view logs, type about:sync-logs
into firefox address bar.
Logging out of mozilla account in firefox seemed to sometimes solve connection errors. Especially when rebuilding firefox-syncserver with a new hostname it seemed to be necesarry.
To avoid error findCluster has a pre-existing clusterURL, so fetching new token
In the firefox address bar type about:profiles.
Then in the profile dir, delete weave
dir, firefox-sync used to be formerly named Weave.
To avoid error The option services.nginx.virtualHosts."".forceSSL has conflicting definition values
, use lib.mkForce value:
services.nginx = {
virtualHosts."" = {
forceSSL = lib.mkForce true;
From HackerNews, even though not relevant yet:
sometimes the first sync times out when you have a larger data set, and you need to manually enable each sync type to reduce the size. But once it's up and running, I don't really have any issues.
first rebuild switch failed with Failed to open network namespace path /var/run/netns/wg: No such file or directory
, solved then with:
sudo systemctl restart deluged
also delugeweb failed with Dependency failed for Deluge BitTorrent WebUI.
, solved then with:
sudo systemctl restart delugeweb
How to get magnet links into deluge web client: use the firefox extention Torrent to Web
Error displaying media content
for all media files, then this helped:
mv /var/cache/jellyfin /var/cache/jellyfin-bak
mv /tank/Jellyfin/config /tank/Jellyfin/config-bak
sudo systemctl restart jellyfin
didnt remove metadata in fact.
$ sops secrets/main.yaml
Failed to get the data key required to decrypt the SOPS file.
then moste likely forgot to add the age key for user. if thats the case then:
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/sops/age
$ nix-shell -p ssh-to-age --run "ssh-to-age -private-key -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 > ~/.config/sops/age/keys.txt"
standard installation proccess:
mkdir ai
cd ai
git clone [email protected]:virchau13/automatic1111-webui-nix.git
git clone [email protected]:AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui.git
nix-shell --argstr variant ROCM
however, this fails with following msg:
Collecting torch
ERROR: HTTP error 403 while getting (from
ERROR: Could not install requirement torch from because of HTTP error 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: for URL (from
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/fschn/ai/stable-diffusion-webui/", line 48, in <module>
File "/home/fschn/ai/stable-diffusion-webui/", line 39, in main
File "/home/fschn/ai/stable-diffusion-webui/modules/", line 381, in prepare_environment
run(f'"{python}" -m {torch_command}', "Installing torch and torchvision", "Couldn't install torch", live=True)
File "/home/fschn/ai/stable-diffusion-webui/modules/", line 116, in run
raise RuntimeError("\n".join(error_bits))
RuntimeError: Couldn't install torch.
Command: "/home/fschn/ai/stable-diffusion-webui/venv/bin/python" -m pip install torch torchvision --index-url
Error code: 1
following then worked:
# Manually update pytorch:
source venv/bin/activate
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url export
# Fake to be a 7900XTX card:
# starting stable-diffusion webui on localhost:7860 with:
TORCH_COMMAND='pip install torch torchvision --extra-index-url pip3 install --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url' python --precision full --upcast-sampling