This action runs the Veracode Java Wrapper's 'upload and scan' action.
Required: STRING - The application name.
Default: '${{ github.repository }}'
Required: BOOLEAN - True to create a new application profile.
Default: true
Required: STRING - Filepath or folderpath of the file or directory to upload. (If the last character is a backslash it needs to be escaped: \\).
Required: STRING - The name or version number of the new build.
Default: 'Scan from Github job: ${{ github.run_id }}'
Required: Veracode API ID.
Required: Veracode API key.
Optional BOOLEAN - Set 'true' if the sandbox should be created on the Veracode platform
Optional STRING - The sandboxname inside the application profile name
Optional INTEGER - Number of minutes how long the action is waiting for the scan to complete. Use this to introduce break build functionality
Optional STRING - Exclude modules from modules selection / scanning. Case-sensitive, comma-separated list of module name patterns that represent the names of modules to not scan as top-level modules. The * wildcard matches 0 or more characters. The ? wildcard matches exactly one character.
Optional STRING - Include modules in modules selection / scanning. Case-sensitive, comma-separated list of module name patterns that represent the names of modules to scan as top-level modules. The * wildcard matches 0 or more characters. The ? wildcard matches exactly one character.
Optional STRING - Set the business criticality, autoamtically choosing the corresponding policy to rate findings. Options: VeryHigh, High, Medium, Low, VeryLow
Optional STRING - Case-sensitive filename pattern that represents the names of uploaded files to save with a different name. The * wildcard matches 0 or more characters. The ? wildcard matches exactly one character. Each wildcard corresponds to a numbered group that you can reference in the replacement pattern.
Optional STRING - Replacement pattern that references groups captured by the filename pattern. For example, if the filename pattern is --SNAPSHOT.war and the replacement pattern is $1-master-SNAPSHOT.war, an uploaded file named app-branch-SNAPSHOT.war is saved as app-master-SNAPSHOT.war.
Optional INTEGER - ID of the sandbox in which to run the scan.
Optional BOOLEAN - If this parameter is not set, the default is false. When set to true, if the application has more than one module, and at least one of the top-level modules does not have any fatal prescan errors, it starts the scan for those modules after prescan is complete.
Optional BOOLEAN - Set this parameter to true to scan the modules currently selected in the Veracode Platform.
Optional BOOLEAN - Set to true to scan only the modules selected in the previous scan.
Optional STRING - Required if you are creating a new application in the Veracode Platform. Comma-separated list of team names associated with the specified application.
Optional BOOLEAN - When set to true, Veracode only scans the top-level modules in your files. Veracode recommends that you use the toplevel parameter if you want to ensure the scan completes even though there are non-fatal errors, such as unsupported frameworks.
The following example will upload all files contained within the folder_to_upload to Veracode and start a static scan.
The veracode credentials are read from github secrets. NEVER STORE YOUR SECRETS IN THE REPOSITORY.
- uses: actions/setup-java@v1 # Make java accessible on path so the uploadandscan action can run.
java-version: '8'
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 # Copy files from repository to docker container so the next uploadandscan action can access them.
path: folder_to_upload/*.jar # Wildcards can be used to filter the files copied into the container. See:
- uses: veracode/veracode-uploadandscan-action@master # Run the uploadandscan action. Inputs are described above.
filepath: 'folder_to_upload/'
vid: '${{ secrets.VERACODE_API_ID }}'
vkey: '${{ secrets.VERACODE_API_KEY }}'
createsandbox: 'true'
sandboxname: 'SANDBOXNAME'
scantimeout: 15
exclude: '*.js'
include: '*.war'
criticality: 'VeryHigh'