hacktv Public
Analogue TV transmitter for the HackRF
dsr Public
DSR (Digital Satellite Radio) encoder
satradio Public
Transmit FM and ADR satellite radio
fswebcam Public
A neat and simple webcam app
ssdv Public
A robust version of the JPEG image format, for transmission over an unreliable medium.
adr Public
ADR (Astra Digital Radio) encoder
radiosonde_auto_rx Public
Forked from projecthorus/radiosonde_auto_rxAutomatically Track Radiosonde Launches using RTLSDR
fl2k_spdif Public
S/PDIF encoder for fl2k devices
tinyx Public
Entries to the C64 "lines" size optimization contest
apollo-tv Public
Apollo Unified S-Band TV Viewer
wenet Public
Forked from projecthorus/wenetWenet ("The Swift One") - Modulator and glue code for the Project Horus 115kbps imagery payload.
c64image Public
Convert images to C64 multi-colour bitmaps
ax25beacon Public
AX.25 beacon packet generator for APRS
stm32f4disc-miniblink-asm Public
Minimum assembly code to blink an LED on the STM32F4 Discovery board
net264 Public
Quick and dirty multi-client TCP streamer for the Raspberry Pi camera module
hadie Public
Flight software for the Hadie high altitude balloon project