The aim is to create a declarative, simple API for manipulating the case convention of keywords, symbols, and strings.
This solves the problem of manipulating case when communicating between different technologies. For example, converting your lisp-cased keywords into lowercase strings separated by underscores for your relational database.
This project is similar to camel-snake-kebab. It differs in a few primary areas:
- It does not enable or allow implicit conversion between named types.
- It is extensible.
- It does not intend to support clojurescript.
lettercase is tested on Clojure 1.5.1 only. It may work on other Clojure versions.
This is production-ready software.
lettercase is available as a Maven artifact from Clojars:
[org.tobereplaced/lettercase "1.0.0"]
lettercase follows Semantic Versioning. Please note that this means the public API for this library is considered stable, and any breaking changes must occur after a 2.0.0 release.
The Codox API Documentation is extensive and is the best way of understanding the library. If you are looking for a quick example:
(ns lettercase-usage
(:require [org.tobereplaced.lettercase :refer [lower-hyphen-keyword]]))
(lower-hyphen-keyword "Foo the BAR")
;; :foo-the-bar
Please post any comments, concerns, or issues to the Github issues page. I welcome any and all feedback. If you have a use-case that is not currently supported, but that you believe belongs in this library, let me know!
Copyright © 2015 ToBeReplaced
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure. The license can be found at epl-v10.html in the root of this distribution.