- Chuo-ku, Tokyo、Japan
(UTC +09:00) - in/yamamoto-taichi-902181289
django next auth with refresh token and access token, redux tailwindcss
Here, you can see how to get GitHub profile achievements and badges.
Python implementation of the video stabilizing algorithm used in YouTube
MFC Grid control using a custom draw CListCtrl with subitem editing and formatting
AutoCAD Code Pack: A powerful library that helps you to develop AutoCAD plugins using the AutoCAD .NET API
This control is based on CWnd class and can be placed as a child window anywhere, for example in the client area of the frame or dialog.
Collection of various algorithms in mathematics, machine learning, computer science and physics implemented in C++ for educational purposes.
CLI app to convert ASCII arts into hand drawn diagrams.
Python examples on how to use GStreamer within OpenCV. Now with GPU support!
An mpv plugin for cutting videos incredibly quickly.
📈 A responsive, composable react charting library with a hand-drawn style.
It is a simple python package to play videos in the terminal using characters as pixels.
A library to allow writing Unity scripts in native code: C, C++, assembly.
A simple Python API for single camera calibration using opencv
Virtual camera is created only using opencv and numpy. It simulates a camera where we can control all its parameters, intrinsic and extrinsic to get a better understanding how each component in the…
Example code to detect objects via images and your webcam
A complete book purchase website made using HTML/CSS/JavaScript
Concats a list of videos together using ffmpeg with sexy OpenGL transitions.
A really fast C++ library for Delaunay triangulation of 2D points
Detecting road lanes using OpenCV and Python