This category adds methods to open the alert within a NSPopover below any kind of NSView. The alerts do not run as modal windows, that is, your app continues execution while the alert's result will be processed in a execution block.
Create a NSAlert and call runAsPopoverForView:withCompletionBlock:;
NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:@"Do you really want to delete this item?"
alternateButton:@"Learn more"
informativeTextWithFormat:@"Deleting this item will erase all associated data in the database. Click learn more if you need additional information."];
[alert runAsPopoverForView:self.showNextDateButton withCompletionBlock:^(NSInteger *result) {
// handle result
NSPopovers require at least OS X 10.7 (OS X Lion). This category has been built for and tested with ARC enabled only!
- Raffael Hannemann
- @raffael_me
Copyright (c) 2013 Raffael Hannemann Under BSD License.
Follow @raffael_me for similar releases.