Codemaster-Final-Round-2021 Public
Spring boot API passed 155 of 174 tests
Java UpdatedMay 15, 2021 -
Chat application written in C.
Google Hash Code 2020 Online Qualification Round
Multithreaded programming with pthreads and semaphores.
SystemInfo Public
Linux system call implementation that is created to print system information.
Brent-sHashMethod Public
Implementation of hash map in Java by using Brent's Hash Method as collision handling method.
DERE Public
Dokuz Eylul Real Estate Project
CsvXmlJsonConverter Public
Converter that has been written in C converts data formats (XML, JSON, CSV) each other.
DEUARC RISC computer design in Quartus II 13.0
HelixSnake Public
Console game that has been developed by using Java and Enigma Console
FootballManager Public
Comparison of Dynamic Programming and Greedy Approach on an example.
AlgorithmAnalysis Public
Speed comparison of frequently used sorting algorithms.
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