Edit Bash scripts in Vim/gVim. Insert code snippets, run, check, and debug the code and look up help.
SOFAArk is a light-weight,java based classloader isolation framework.
Visual Studio Code extension generator
UML diagramming package based on the yUML syntax
The open source frontend for GitBook doc sites
NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions
Delayed Messaging for RabbitMQ
Chaosblade executor for chaos experiments on Java applications(对 Java 应用实施混沌实验的 chaosblade 执行器)
Redisson - Valkey and Redis Java client. Real-Time Data Platform. Sync/Async/RxJava/Reactive API. Over 50 Valkey and Redis based Java objects and services: Set, Multimap, SortedSet, Map, List, Queu…
AWS Service registry for resilient mid-tier load balancing and failover.
LCN distributed transaction framework, compatible with dubbo, spring cloud and Motan framework, supports various relational databases
Trained models with fast variant of the "best" LSTM models + legacy models
a zookeeper client, that makes life a little easier.
🔥 Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
Mars is a tensor-based unified framework for large-scale data computation which scales numpy, pandas, scikit-learn and Python functions.
[Not maintained] A Timeline component
⛓ React chronology component providing dual chronological timelines.
flannel is a network fabric for containers, designed for Kubernetes