----> compatible with Angular 8+ <----
Responsive image gallery designed for high resolution images.
The project consists of a gallery, a viewer and a script for image preparation.
Before using the gallery, you have to process all of your images that will be part of your gallery with the convert script. The processed images will be stored to your applications assets or, if you wish, at a remote location. During runtime everything runs client-side and there is no separate server-side communication involved. The viewer takes care an optimal image quality is served based on the screen resolution.
Install graphicsmagick: http://www.graphicsmagick.org/README.html#installation
npm install angular2-image-gallery --save
npm install hammerjs --save
imports: [
Add the following line to your main.ts file:
import 'hammerjs';
node node_modules/angular2-image-gallery/convert.js <path/to/your/images>
Add a flag to define the order of the images inside the gallery
sort by file name (default)
sort chronologically by the original creation time (e.g. for coverages of a wedding)
sort by primary image color
Additional optional parameter to support multiple galleries. Add it if you want to put your images into a separate gallery.
All parameters are optional. You may play around on the demo site to find out what parameters suit your needs.
The viewerChange event notifies you when the viewer component gets opened or closed.
That's it, start your application and have a look!
If you'd like to know how you could fetch your images from an external data source CLICK HERE
This is possible, but not the intent of this project. Please CLICK HERE
- Angular 7.0.0
- NodeJS 8.11.2
- graphicsmagick
If the conversion process fails, make sure you have enough swap space provided.
If you experience any other issues, please raise an issue on GitHub.