This package is a fork of @elysiajs/jwt and is not maintained by Elysia.JS team. This fork is created to fix iat validation issue
Plugin for Elysia for using JWT Authentication.
bun add @elysiajs/jwt
import { Elysia, t } from 'elysia'
import { jwt } from '@elysiajs/jwt'
import { cookie } from '@elysiajs/cookie'
const app = new Elysia()
name: 'jwt',
// This should be Environment Variable
secret: 'MY_SECRETS'
.get('/sign/:name', async ({ jwt, cookie, setCookie, params }) => {
setCookie('auth', await jwt.sign(params), {
httpOnly: true
return `Sign in as ${}`
.get('/profile', async ({ jwt, set, cookie: { auth } }) => {
const profile = await jwt.verify(auth)
if (!profile) {
set.status = 401
return 'Unauthorized'
return `Hello ${}`
This package extends jose, most config is inherited from Jose.
Below are configurable properties for using JWT plugin
Name to decorate method as:
For example, jwt
will decorate Context with Context.jwt
JWT secret key
Type strict validation for JWT payload
Below is the config inherits from jose
@default 'HS256'
Algorithm to sign JWT with
Critical Header Parameter.
JWT Issuer
JWT Subject
JWT Audience
JWT Not Before
JWT Expiration Time
JWT Issued At