Aurelia wrapper for Material Design Lite's Dialog component.
It can be used to:
- show a modal or non-modal dialog (the dialog is notified via
when it is shown) - pass values to the dialog
- return a string value from the dialog
- close the dialog (the caller is notified via
when the dialog is closed)
It demonstrates showing a dialog from another one, passing values to and returning values from a dialog, positioning a dialog.
The live demo is here.
npm install aurelia-mdl-dialog --save
The Aurelia Framework and Google's Dialog Polyfill for browsers
without native <dialog>
This component exports the MdlDialogService
object which can be used to programmatically show
a modal or non-modal dialog. The ViewModel of the dialog must be passed to the show
method of the
object. When the dialog is shown it receives a
object which can be used to close the dialog and return a value.
The show
method returns a Promise
which is fulfilled when the dialog is closed, the fulfillment value is the return
value of the dialog or an empty string if the dialog was canceled.
In this example a dialog with a text input field is shown. The initial value of the input field is passed to the dialog and the value entered into the input field is returned to the caller.
For a more complex example please check the live demo.
A plain Aurelia ViewModel class. The activate
method handles the initial value of the input field.
The injected Promise
is fulfilled when the dialog is shown. The fulfillment value of the Promise
is a DialogController
object, which can be used to close the dialog and return a value.
export class Dialog {
static inject() {
return [Promise];
constructor(dialogControllerPromise) {
this._dialogControllerPromise = dialogControllerPromise;
activate(model) {
this.text = model.text;
close() {
.then(dialogController => {
<h4 class="mdl-dialog__title">Dialog</h4>
<div class="mdl-dialog__content">
<p>Add some text. The text will be returned to the caller.</p>
<div mdl="textfield" class="mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield">
<input class="mdl-textfield__input" type="text" id="text" value.bind="text">
<label class="mdl-textfield__label" for="text">Some text</label>
<div class="mdl-dialog__actions">
<button type="button" class="mdl-button mdl-button--colored" click.delegate="close()">Close</button>
The MdlDialogService
object's show
method is used to actually show the dialog. The show
method returns a Promise
which will be fulfilled when the dialog is closed. The fulfillment value of this Promise
is the return value of the dialog or an empty string if the dialog was canceled.
import MdlDialogService from 'aurelia-mdl-dialog';
import {Dialog} from './dialog/dialog';
export class App {
static inject() {
return [MdlDialogService];
constructor(mdlDialogService) {
this._mdlDialogService = mdlDialogService;
this.textFromDialog = '';
showDialog() {{
viewModel: Dialog,
model: {
text: this.textFromDialog
.then(text => {
if (text==='') { // dialog was canceled
this.textFromDialog = text;
The dialog cannot be closed from the caller, only from the dialog itself. As shown earlier
a DialogController
object is available in the dialog and this object can be used to close the
dialog and return a value.
By specification browsers may provide a user interface to cancel the dialog. If the dialog is canceled the return value will be an empty string (actually the browser will not set a return value, so it remains the default empty string).
The MdlDialogService
is responsible for showing the dialog, providing the DialogController
and handling the return
value. The MdlDialogService
is exported by this component.
Shows a dialog and returns a Promise
which is fulfilled when the dialog is closed. The fulfillment value is the
return value of the dialog or an empty string if the dialog was canceled.
The parameter of the show
method is a configuration object with the following keys:
The ViewModel class of the dialog. Must be a string or a function. Mandatory parameter.
When set to true
the dialog will be non-modal. Optional parameter, the default value is false
, which means
the dialog will be modal by default.
The model object of the dialog. Can be used to pass values to the dialog. The activate
method of the dialog's
ViewModel class will be called with this object. Optional parameter.
The CSS class that will be assigned to the <dialog>
HTML tag. Optional parameter.{
viewModel: Dialog,
nonModal: true,
model: {
text: this.textFromDialog
cssClass: 'myDialog'
.then(text => {
this.textFromDialog = text;
The DialogController
is responsible for closing the dialog and returning a value. It is obtained through a Promise
which is injected automatically into the Dialog's ViewModel class. The Promise
is fulfilled when the dialog is shown
and the fulfillment value is the DialogController
Closes the dialog and optionally returns a string value as the return value of the dialog. Returning an empty string is ambigous, because empty string is also the representation of dialog cancelation.
Unfortunately there are no automated tests. It's a shame, try to fix in the near future.
Manually tested on Chrome 55 (native <dialog>
support) and Firefox 50 (<dialog>
support with polyfill).