Quiz website about interesting facts from FBLA
To run this program locally follow these steps:
- Make sure you have the most recent version of Go installed.
- Make sure you have NPM installed
- Make sure you have MongoDB installed and copied the most recent version of the database over.
- Run the following Go command:
go run backend/main.go
- Cd into the frontend directory and then run
ng serve --open
This is how everything is structured
Corresponds to Uncle Bob's clean architecture. Every component (e.g. users, questions, etc) has the following components.
- driver (third party implementations, for example MongoDB interactions)
- entities (structs or entites, for example the struct User)
- usescases (business logic)
- http.go (routing logic)
Errors are handled through Slugs in the errorCodes folder.
All main data is under the app folder
- auth folder contains all authentication related services, interceptors, and types as well as auth related screens.
- dashboard folder contains the dashboard view code
- questions folder contains all of the different question types and the quiz view
- results folder contains the results view code.
- save all .go files
- run:
gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/fbla-quiz-298419/backend
- this builds the docker image using Google Cloud Build and deploys it to Google's docker image registry.
- run:
gcloud run deploy --image gcr.io/fbla-quiz-298419/backend --platform managed
- this deploys the docker image to Cloud Run
- run:
npm install
- run:
ng build --prod
- run:
gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/fbla-quiz-298419/frontend
- just the same as with backend builds a Docker image.
- run:
gcloud run deploy --image gcr.io/fbla-quiz-298419/frontend --platform managed
- again like backend this deploys the Docker image to Cloud Run
#Sources & Citations Questions adapted from: