The goal is to provide a simple to use but clean and elegant interface that focuses on efficiency when browsing your media.
Important considerations are put on usability, performance, and providing the user with flexibility when it comes to customization.
Rapier tries to support all the latest features Kodi has to offer as long as it fits in with the skin's design goals.
Created by scarfa and Gade
Can be installed through the official Kodi repository or Gade's Development Repository.
By installing Gade's Development Repository you will always automatically receive the newest and freshest development updates of Rapier and my other add-ons. You will still automatically get the official updates.
To install this repository, you must do so by following these steps:
- Download the zip file containing Gade's Add-on Repository from Github
- Start Kodi
- Navigate to settings
- Add-ons
- Install from zip file
- Locate the zip file you downloaded
- Install
After this, you will automatically receive the latest development versions directly within Kodi.
###DONATIONS: If you like Rapier and want to buy me a coffee or beer, feel free to donate. Greatly appreciated!
To install this add-on you must do so from the Add-on manager from within Kodi by going to:
- Settings
- Add-ons
- Install from repository
- Kodi add-on repository
- Skins
- Rapier
- Install
Any script dependencies that the skin requires will automatically be downloaded. If you already have the skin file, then go into the add-ons node and choose "Install from zip file" and select the Rapier zip file.
Manual installation can be done by moving the skin.rapier folder inside the zip file into your addons folder of your Kodi profile. Please make sure you have the following scripts installed when doing it manually:
script.favourites v5.0.2
script.artistslideshow v1.6.9
script.artwork.downloader v13.0.0
script.randomandlastitems v2.2.1 v6.0.10 v1.0.43
script.globalsearch v2.0.8 v0.0.29
Rapier uses text images for the home menu categories. More categories can be found in skin.rapier->extras folder when customizing the home menu.
Additional home category images can be requested at the forum