This repository contains gamoshi demo mobile apps for running mobile ads using prebid mobile sdk, you will find here example for both ad servers mopub and google admanager
Before running this demo applications, please read carefully the official instructions of Prebid for how to integrate Prebid SDK in Android or iOS.
As of now, the only way to run Gamoshi Demo App is using Android Studio IDE. In order to run the application on Android Studio please follow these steps:
- Clone our prebid mobile demo repository to an arbitrary folder using Git CLI:
git clone
- Open Android Studio IDE
- In Android Studio, go to File -> Open... (a folder browser dialog should open)
- In the folder browser dialog, search for the directory in which you cloned our repository
- Select the folder
and press theOpen
button of the dialog - Wait for the Android Studio to load all dependencies, and once it is done you are free to run the application.
Our application shipped with a default Supply Id: 1274
for testing 300x250 banner ads.
In order to test your own banner creatives in our system, please insert your supply id in the Supply Id
field after running the application.