This is a Typescript library and CLI tool that generates Elm modules for really nice web components interop.
Let's look at an example of a simple SizeObserver web component:
import { CustomElement, component, api } from "elm-webcomponents";
/** Observes an element and triggers events whenever the contents size changes. */
class SizeObserver extends CustomElement<{
requiredEvents: {
sizeChange: { width: number; height: number };
htmlContent: "single";
viewFnName: "container";
}> {
/** Number of milliseconds to debounce. */
accessor debounce: number = 100;
#resizeObserver: ResizeObserver;
#timeout: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null;
connectedCallback(): void {
this.#resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(() => {
if (this.#timeout == null) {
this.#timeout = setTimeout(() => {
this.triggerEvent("sizeChange", {
width: this.offsetWidth,
height: this.offsetHeight,
this.#timeout = null;
disconnectedCallback(): void {
this.#timeout && clearTimeout(this.#timeout);
When you run this tool you will get the following file generated for you:
module SizeObserver exposing (view, debounce)
{-| Observes an element and triggers events whenever the contents size changes.
@docs container, debounce
import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Attributes exposing (Attribute)
import Html.Events
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Json.Encode as Encode
{-| Number of milliseconds to debounce.
debounce : Float -> Attribute msg
debounce val = "debounce" (Encode.float val)
{-| -}
container :
List (Attribute msg)
-> { onSizeChange : { width : Float, height : Float } -> msg }
-> Html msg
-> Html msg
container attrs req child =
Html.node "size-observer"
(Html.Events.on "sizeChange"
( req.onSizeChange
(Decode.map2 (\width height -> { width = width, height = height })
(Decode.field "width" Decode.float)
(Decode.field "height" Decode.height)
:: attrs
[ child ]
As you can see, the Elm module is ready to use with a nice idiomatic API, including documentation comments!
Let's look at how this works:
The first piece of the puzzle is the @component
decorator. During run time, it's job is to register the class it's decorating as a custom element with a particular tag name. During code generation, we grab this tag name and use for our Html.node
Another important part is extending CustomElement
. CustomElement
itself extends HTMLElement
, so all the familiar APIs there are available, but it adds a couple of (optional) nicieties at runtime (we'll get to these later).
For code generation, the most important feature is its type argument. The type argument contains a good amount of configuration, but the nice thing about having it as a type argument is that it will be completely erased during compilation and won't be shipped to the client at all.
Let's look at the fields:
type Config = {
* Used to define events that are required arguments to the view function.
* Should contain a string literal key with the event name and a value with the type that should be decoded. */
requiredEvents?: {};
* Used to define events that are generated as optional attribute helpers.
* Should contain a string literal key with the event name
* and a value with the type that should be decoded.
* */
optionalEvents?: {};
* The name of the view function. Defaults to "view".
viewFnName?: string;
* Used to define the html content of the element.
* If set to "none", the element does not have any html content and will have no such argument.
* If set to "single", the element has a single child.
* If set to "list", the element has a list of children.
* If set to an object, the view function will take HTML content as part of its required arguments record and will render them as slotted content.
* Defaults to "none".
* */
| "none"
| "single"
| "list"
| {
[key: string]: {
mode?: "single" | "list";
tag?: string;
One of the runtime nicities we provide is this.triggerEvent(eventName, eventDetails)
function. It's a pretty shallow wrapper around this.dispathEvent(new CustomEvent(eventName, eventDetails))
, but with the nice property that it enforces that the event name and event details are correctly encoded in either requiredEvents
or optionalEvents
The final piece is the @api
decorator for accessor
, which marks accessors (note class fields are not supported, since decorators can't mess with them, but I am planning another decorator for getter/setter pairs) as interaction points with the outside world. These can have a {required : true}
argument which affects code generation, but also affects some of the lifecycle calls:
You can extend init
and render
which are called once after Elm is done setting all the attributes in a single render (so won't be called multiple times) and after all the required
attributes have been set (so no need to worry about undefined values). init
will be called once per component being in the DOM, whereas render
will be called every time the attributes change.
These are all completely optional, and you don't need to implement them, but make integrating with say React very easy:
import { createRoot, type Root } from "react-dom/client";
class ReactyThing extends CustomElement {
@api({required: true})
accessor foo: string;
@api({required: true});
accessor bar: number;
#root : Root;
init() {
this.#root = createRoot(this);
render() {
this.#root.render(<MyReactComponent foo={} bar={} />);
This codebase works by translating a subset of Typescript types into Elm types/encoders/decoders. We'll provide some more details on which types are supported or otherwise closer to release.
At the moment this tool is at a proof of concept stage. Some of the trickiest pieces have been implemented, but there is a fair amount of gruntwork to be done.