LSTM-MATLAB is Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) in MATLAB, which is meant to be succinct, illustrative and for research purpose only. It is accompanied with a paper for reference: Revisit Long Short-Term Memory: An Optimization Perspective, NIPS deep learning workshop, 2014.
Creater & Maintainer Qi Lyu
- original Long short-term Memory
- all connect peephole
- support optimization methods like LBFGS and CG
- CPU or GPU acceleration
- Mapreduce parallelization
- gradient checking
- easy configuration
- baseline experiment
#ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The minFunc code folder included is provided by Mark Schmidt ( MATLAB Mapreduce is provided by Quoc V. Le(
#USAGE To run the code, start from aStart.m. Data is generated by scripts in data directory on-the-fly. For faster LSTM implementation with complete features, see 'LSTMLayer' defined in C++ version.