if you have a csv file,or something like it. one of the col is ip add. you want to test if they are alive. use this.
Then a txt file called IP_SOURCE.txt will open.
ctrl+A your CSV file(your data source). you can get it from excel just by save as csv . ctrl+C & ctrl+V it to the IP_SOURCE.txt .
Left the Tablehead in the top 10 lines.(the data in the top 10 lines will not be test by the script.)Make Sure your other data is after the top 10 lines. Begain from any line after 10 lines is ok.
Press ctrl+S Save your Data.
Close the IP_SOURCE.txt.
Press any key to continue
the Script will ask you which column is the IP ADDRESS . Count and input.
Press any key to confirm.
Then the test Begain.
A bit slow. ping every ip add one time.
If you have a big list. It's a good time to have a cup of coffee.
When the test is finished. A txt file open. show the result.