A Github app made with Flutter using the next packages:
- flutter_intl: used to manage different languages of the app (only english by now).
- cached_network_image: Flutter package to make easier the cached image data in the device.
- dio: Flutter package to handle different kind of request on an API.
- flutter_neumorphic: Flutter package for the use of different neumorphism ui elements.
- flutter_riverpod: High capable Flutter state management.
- flutter_screenutil: Flutter package to handle the resize of the components to fit different sizes of screens.
- go_router: Friendly Flutter package to use Navigator 2.0, it allows to implement declarative navigation and an easy way to implement deep linking navigation.
- webview_flutter: to implement a web visualization of a webpage.
Some of the skills worked on this project:
- Clean architecture: All the project was made to be reusable and scalable, separated in data, domain and ui layers.
- Internationalization: App ready to include different languages.
- API Consumption: Use of a public API (https://api.github.com/) to make different requests, and handle errors.
- UI/UX: Friendly app, with nice shapes and colors.
To use a pre compiled demo of the app, you could use this apk release file on an Android device: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10P8d32ZTTaAhZbQOqnRbcEzSUKaQNY8f/view?usp=sharing
To run the app, you have to take into account the next requisites and steps:
- You must have installed the latest Flutter version (3.0.1).
- Clone this repository.
- Create/use an Android/iOS emulator, or a physical device connected to the computer.
- If it is a physical device, you have to follow some extra steps: Android: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-install-flutter-app-on-android/#:~:text=Using%20a%20USB%20cable%2C%20plug,recognizes%20your%20connected%20Android%20device. iOS: https://medium.com/front-end-weekly/how-to-test-your-flutter-ios-app-on-your-ios-device-75924bfd75a8
- Inside the folder of the repository, run "flutter clean", then "flutter pub get".
- You will need a Github Token to be able to use the api without restrictions (info about to create a token: https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/creating-a-personal-access-token)
- Inside the folder of the repository, run "flutter run --dart-define=token=[YOUR GITHUB TOKEN]".
Home Screen: You can choose either search for a Github username and watch all the public repositories and commits, or try the app watching the commits for this app.
Repositories Screen: You can watch all the public repositories for the username selected, pressing the photo, you will be redirected to his github profile page.
- Commits Screen: You can watch all the commits for a repository selected.