A silly library which combines scraping, langchain and flask. Inspired by prompt engineering
Use the package manager pip to install.
pip install langBOTs
Default scrapes from example.com
from langBOTs.scrapsplitvec import SSV
from langBOTs.query import Query
from langBOTs.chain import MDL
retriever = SSV(chunk_size = 400, chunk_overlap = 100)
ret = retriever.ret()
chain = MDL(retriever = ret, device = 0).chain()
Q = Query(chain=chain)
Q.qury("hello how are you")
API Note: Requires ngrok token for tunneling.
$ ngrok config add-authtoken <enter auth-token>
also make sure you have flask pyngrok flask_ngrok flask_cors (1 of them is not rquired ig)
from langBOTs.query import API
from langBOTs.query import process_second_string
from langBOTs.query import start
r = API(qury_object="Q")
I will post details on how to change the model and other aprameters soon.