JRouter is for easy ways to create Reactive GUIs agnostic of the GUI Provider.
import jrouter.Api.Route;
@Route(url = "/", view = "init.fxml")
public class Index {
// The constructor recive abstract class MainLoader automatically called
public Index(MainLoader m){
//... initialization code
// or
import jrouter.Api.Route;
public class Index {
// The constructor recive abstract class MainLoader automatically called
public Index(MainLoader m){
App<Scene> app = new App<Scene>("Title of The Window", new AbsoluteLoader<Scene>());
// same of
App<Scene> app = new App<Scene>("Title of The Window");
// for lazy loading use
App<Scene> app = new App<Scene>("Title of The Window", new LazyLoader<Scene>());
// for absolute loader use
App<Scene> app = JRouter.Hooks.App.useApp("Title of The Window");
// for lazy loading use
App<Scene> app = JRouter.Hooks.App.useLazyApp("Title of The Window");
// OR
// for absolute loader use
App<Scene> app = JRouter.Hooks.App.useApp("Title of The Window",GuiProvider);
// for lazy loading use
App<Scene> app = JRouter.Hooks.App.useLazyApp("Title of The Window",GuiProvider);
public class MyAbsoluteLoader <SceneT> implements ApplicationProvider<SceneT>{
public MainLoader<SceneT> provide(GuiProvider<SceneT> prov)
{ // do somethings }
public class JFXProvider extends GuiProvider<Scene>
public class MyObserver implements Observer{
public void update(){
// do somethings...
public class MyObservableType extends Observable<MyObserver>{
// do somethings...
State<String> name = JRouter.Hooks.useState("Andy");
// or
State<String> name = new State<String>("Andy");
State<String> name = JRouter.Hooks.useState("Andy", ObserverObj);
// or
State<String> name = new State<String>("Andy");
Signal<String> sign = JRouter.Hooks.useSignal("Andy",
(s) -> { System.out.println("onChange: " + s.get()); },
(s) -> { System.out.println("onRequest: " + s.get()); },
(s) -> { System.out.println("onSubscribe: " + s.get()); },
(s) -> { System.out.println("onGet: Some One get the value!"); }
// or
Signal<String> sign = new Signal<String>("Andy");
sign.onChange((s) -> { System.out.println("onChange: " + s.get()); });
sign.onRequest((s) -> { System.out.println("onRequest: " + s.get()); });
sign.onSubscribe((s) -> { System.out.println("onSubscribe: " + s.get()); });
(s) -> { System.out.println("onGet: Some One get the value!"); }
* Global Class for access to Hooks and all Apis
public class JRouter {
* Class for wrapper of Hooks
public static class Hooks{
* Class with the useState apis
public static class State extends StatesHook{}
* Class with the useSignal apis
public static class Signal extends SignalHook{}
* Class with the useApp & useLazyApp apis
public static class App extends AppHook{}
* Class for wrapper Loaders Hooks
public static class Loaders extends LoadersHook {}