Starred repositories
Automated CI toolchain to produce precompiled opencv-python, opencv-python-headless, opencv-contrib-python and opencv-contrib-python-headless packages.
MTSN: A Multi-Temporal Stream Network for Spotting Facial Macro- and Micro-Expression with Hard and Soft Pseudo-labels
Shallow Optical Flow Three-Stream CNN For Macro and Micro-Expression Spotting From Long Videos
The project is the baseline method implementation for the Third Micro-Expression Grand Challenge (MEGC2020)
A GUI client for Windows, Linux and macOS, support Xray core and sing-box-core and others
[ICME-2023] Official Pytorch implementation of AU-aware graph convolutional network for Macro- and Micro-expression spotting
PyTorch version for the "Micro-expression Recognition Based on Facial Graph Representation Learning and Facial Action Unit Fusion"
A Micro-Expression Analysis Network (MEAN) to spot-then-recognize micro-expressions
Code for MEGC2019 Micro Expression Recognition
[CVPR 2023] Micron-BERT: BERT-based Facial Micro-Expression Recognition
Experimentation of deep learning on the subjects of micro-expression spotting and recognition.
🛠「Watt Toolkit」是一个开源跨平台的多功能 Steam 工具箱。
Simple and easy to use micro-expression recognition application.
clash for windows汉化版. 提供clash for windows的汉化版, 汉化补丁及汉化版安装程序