Tags: garrison/TimerOutputs.jl
## TimerOutputs v0.5.12 [Diff since v0.5.11](KristofferC/TimerOutputs.jl@v0.5.11...v0.5.12) **Merged pull requests:** - RFC: Allow prev_timer to be set to nothing (KristofferC#131) (@GregPlowman)
## TimerOutputs v0.5.11 [Diff since v0.5.10](KristofferC/TimerOutputs.jl@v0.5.10...v0.5.11) **Merged pull requests:** - Remove erroneous accumulated data addition during merge! (KristofferC#129) (@IanButterworth) - Patch bump to 0.5.11 (KristofferC#132) (@IanButterworth)
## TimerOutputs v0.5.10 [Diff since v0.5.9](KristofferC/TimerOutputs.jl@v0.5.9...v0.5.10) **Closed issues:** - Fast path mis-attributes (KristofferC#118) - Add option to sort by first execution of each item (KristofferC#124) **Merged pull requests:** - Fix fast path for retrieving nested timer (KristofferC#123) (@GregPlowman) - Allow sorting by first execution time (KristofferC#125) (@IanButterworth) - Replace travis with github actions. Add CompatHelper (KristofferC#126) (@IanButterworth) - Allow custom merge points (KristofferC#128) (@IanButterworth)
## TimerOutputs v0.5.9 [Diff since v0.5.8](KristofferC/TimerOutputs.jl@v0.5.8...v0.5.9) **Closed issues:** - Support for multiprocessing programs (KristofferC#57) - `@timeit_debug` applied to function introduces type instability (KristofferC#61) - Option to display exclusive/inclusive times and/or export to flamegraph (KristofferC#90) - Saving TimerOutput to file (KristofferC#112) - Explanation for making TimerOutput a const in readme? (KristofferC#113) - Additional allocations when using @timeit (KristofferC#116) **Merged pull requests:** - TimerOuputs -> TimerOutputs in readme (KristofferC#110) (@Wikunia) - add another precompile statement (KristofferC#111) (@ranocha) - Use ExprTools, reuse _timer_expr, rework timeit_debug func def. (KristofferC#117) (@maleadt) - Add a function for merging timers. (KristofferC#119) (@maleadt)
## TimerOutputs v0.5.8 [Diff since v0.5.7](KristofferC/TimerOutputs.jl@v0.5.7...v0.5.8) **Closed issues:** - Proposal to add @⌛ shortcut (KristofferC#106) **Merged pull requests:** - Update README.md (KristofferC#104) (@t-pollington) - add some precompile statements (KristofferC#107) (@ranocha)
## TimerOutputs v0.5.7 [Diff since v0.5.6](KristofferC/TimerOutputs.jl@v0.5.6...v0.5.7) **Closed issues:** - add newline to print_timer (KristofferC#56) - BoundsError: attempt to access 0-element Array{TimerOutputs.TimerOutput,1} (KristofferC#69) - Export to DataFrame (KristofferC#73) - Migrate to travis-ci.com (KristofferC#93) - Diacritics messes up printing of table columns (KristofferC#94) - Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package DataFrames v0.19.3 (KristofferC#97) **Merged pull requests:** - print a newline in print_timer (KristofferC#88) (@KristofferC) - update build badge to link to travis-ci.com; closes KristofferC#93 (KristofferC#96) (@ranocha) - Add complement function (KristofferC#99) (@KristofferC) - improve alignment (KristofferC#100) (@KristofferC)
## TimerOutputs v0.5.6 [Diff since v0.5.5](KristofferC/TimerOutputs.jl@v0.5.5...v0.5.6) **Closed issues:** - Signature to time function under custom keyword (KristofferC#86) **Merged pull requests:** - Fix typo in usage example (KristofferC#74) (@tribut) - test on latest release (KristofferC#85) (@KristofferC) - allow attaching a label to a timeit function definition (KristofferC#87) (@KristofferC)
## TimerOutputs v0.5.5 [Diff since v0.5.4](KristofferC/TimerOutputs.jl@v0.5.4...v0.5.5) **Closed issues:** - Empty table if `print_timer` is called in project outside module that uses the global timer (KristofferC#83) **Merged pull requests:** - dont put the actual timer into the expr, this will be invalid after precompilation (KristofferC#84) (@KristofferC)
## TimerOutputs v0.5.4 [Diff since v0.5.3](KristofferC/TimerOutputs.jl@v0.5.3...v0.5.4) **Closed issues:** - Confusing allocations (KristofferC#59) - Feature request: time all functions (KristofferC#70) - UndefVarError for TimerOutput when selectively using symbols (KristofferC#78) **Merged pull requests:** - remove some allocations KristofferC#59 (KristofferC#71) (@jw3126) - Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (KristofferC#76) (@JuliaTagBot) - fix usage of default timer when TimerOutputs symbol is not available (KristofferC#79) (@KristofferC) - Allow to selectively disable timing (KristofferC#82) (@sloede)