Tags: garutilorenzo/k3s-aws-terraform-cluster
Merge pull request #7 from garutilorenzo/new_features ## New features * Added EFS for persistent storage via [AWS EFS csi driver](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/aws-efs-csi-driver). * Added the possibility to expose the kubeapi server to the internet. Access is granted only from *my_public_ip_cidr* for security reasons. * Added Lambda funcion to automatically delete removed nodes from k3s cluster (EC2 spot instances) * Added *null_resource* to fix Lambda orphan ENI. [Ref.](hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws#10329) ## Minor changes * Fixed resource tags/names * Renamed *agent* resources to *worker* resources * Added SSM Policy to access EC2 from AWS console ## Bug fixes * Added lifecycle on k3s-workers * Fix allow_strict security group deletion on apply