API for the DA-IICT Elections built with NodeJS.
For the frontend that supports this API please go here - https://github.com/statebait/elections-frontend
You need Node & Yarn to run this application. Download them here - Node, Yarn.
You need to setup a .env file in the root of the directory of the following structure (You will need a mongoDB database hosted locally or elsewhere):
PORT=#Optional (Default is 5000) DB_HOST=#Specify your mongoDB url ADMIN_ID="201601000" #The Admin ID to login into the admin panel LOGIN_SECRET=#Any random string
Run the following to install dependencies:
Next run the following to populate the Database with some test data:
node scripts/generateDevData.js
The 2 users generated are:
The regular user for testing vote mechanism:
Name: John Doe SID: 201601001 Password: johndoe
The admin user for testing admin tools:
Name: Admin SID: 201601000 Password: admin
Finally run the following to start the server:
yarn dev