This repository is designed to help you learn and practice JavaScript. It's divided into two main sections:
1. JS Topics This section covers fundamental JavaScript concepts, refer this link: "JS Topics"
- 4 ways to create objects
- Class
- Closure
- Currying
- ES6 practice and notes
- Hoisting
- IsNaN and NaN
- OOPS practice
- Object freeze and seal
- Prototypal inheritance
- Arrow and regular function
- Promise and async-await
- break and return difference
- call, apply and bind
- Debounce and throttle
- Deep copy and shallow copy
- Event delegation
- Memoization
- Null and undefined
- Pure and impure function
- This keyword in JavaScript
- Scope chain and lexical environment
- SetInterval and SetTimeout example
- Slice and splice methods
- Arrays manipulation and methods
- Objects manipulation and methods
2. JS Code Challenges This section contains a collection of JavaScript coding challenges to test your skills. Each challenge comes with a clear problem statement and solution
I have recenty started adding list of coding question here which I was asked in my recent interviews.
"Get Coding Question for Interview here "
"Get Coding Question and solution for Interview here"
Contribute and Grow Together!
We're passionate about building a strong community of JavaScript learners! Feel free to contribute to this repository. If you spot an error, have ideas for improvement, or want to share your own coding challenges, open a pull request!
Happy Learning!