This service repo is part of below project:
As a customer using an e-commerce website, I want my orders to be processed automatically and efficiently, so that I can receive my products quickly and with minimal hassle.
Acceptance Criteria:
When I add products to my shopping cart and proceed to checkout, the order service should subscribe to the "cart-updated" Kafka topic.
The order service should process incoming messages from the "cart-updated" topic to create a new order.
The order service should use the product catalog service to retrieve product information for each item in the order.
The order service should use the payment service to process payment for the order.
If payment is successful, the order service should mark the order as "paid" and send a message to the "order-created" Kafka topic.
If payment fails, the order service should send a message to the "payment-failed" Kafka topic and notify the customer of the payment failure.