Various useful utility functions that are used across all projects in the @polkadot namespace. It provides utility functions with additional safety checks, allowing not only for consistent coding, but also reducing the general boilerplate.
It is split up into a number of internal packages, namely utilities -
- util General utilities
- util-crypto Crypto and hashing utilities
- util-keyring Keyring management
- util-rlp RLP encoding & decoding
Various useful trie interfaces and utilities -
- trie-db Merkle Patricia Tree implementation adapcted for Polkadot
- trie-hash Calculate hashes (either ordered or unordered) from a set of inputs
Type definitions for interfaces as exposed by Polkadot & Substrate clients -
- @polkadot/extrinsics Base extrinsic definitions & codecs
- @polkadot/jsonrpc Definitions for JSONRPC endpoints
- @polkadot/params Input/output parameter formatting
- @polkadot/primitives Primitive type definitions, builder & codecs
- @polkadot/storage Definitions for storage entries
- Bootstrap the dependencies,
- Make any changes in the relevant package, on master merges new versions will be published automatically to npmjs