This is a GameBoy emulator written from scratch in C, using GameBoy documentation found online as a reference. It's the second emulator I write (the first one was a Chip8 emulator), and the first serious one. The keyboard and screen is handled with SDL2. The source code is published under the New BSD License (See LICENSE).
It's currently playable :D
./miniBoy [-d BIOS] [-d]
The emulator can boot without bios (it will set some registers into a knwon good state). Use the -d to start in debug mode.
Key mappings: Z and X for A and B. Return and Backspace for Start and Select. Arrow keys for directions. D to enter debug mode.
Debug mode is used from the terminal. It has the following features: stepping, view CPU registers, set breakpoints, inspect memory regions, dissasamble memory regions, write values to memory, inspect IO registers, show call trace.
- All CPU instructions (blargg CPU instrs and instr timing tests passed)
- Timer
- Keypad
- Screen (Needs fixes)
- MBC1 and ROM Only cartridges
- Debugger
- Sound
- Fix bugs affecting some games
- Implement the rest of Memory Block Controllers (MBC)
- Super Mario Land 2: Sprites are not being drawn
- Kirby Dream Land 2: Blank Screen
- Kirby Dream Land: segfault at gameplay
- Dr. Mario: Hangs when Display Enabling is enabled
- Dr. Mario
- Super Mario Land
- Tetris
- The Legend of Zelda, Link's Awakening
- Donkey kong Land
- Doneky Kong Land 2
- Batman