Configure the RedsysBundle configuration in your config.yml
# Merchant code provided by Redsys
merchant_code: XXXXXXXXXXXX
# Secret Key provided by Redsys
secret_key: XXXXXXXXXXXX
# Url to which the payment form is sent
url: ''
# Configuration for payment success redirection
# Route defines which route will redirect if payment successes
# If order_append is true, Bundle will append card identifier into route
# taking order_append_field value as parameter name and
# PaymentOrderWrapper->getOrderId() value
route: card_thanks
order_append: true
order_append_field: order_id
# Configuration for payment fail redirection
# Route defines which route will redirect if payment fails
# If card_append is true, Bundle will append card identifier into route
# taking card_append_field value as parameter name and
# PaymentCardWrapper->getCardId() value
route: card_fail
order_append: false
order_append_field: card_id
# Configuration for Redsys form display route
# By default, controller execute route is /payment/redsys/execute
controller_execute_route: /my/custom/execute/route
# Configuration for the route that Redsys will send the transaction result request to
# By default, controller route is /payment/redsys/result
controller_result_route: /my/custom/result/route
PaymentBridge Service must return, at least, these fields.
- terminal
The following fields are optional
- transaction_type
- product_description
- merchant_titular
- merchant_name
RedsysBundle allows developer to specify the route of controller where redsys
payment is processed as well as the route that will receive the transaction response.
By default, this values are /payment/redsys/execute
and /payment/redsys/result
but this values can be
changed in configuration file.
Anyway, the bundle routes must be parsed by the framework, so these lines must
be included into routing.yml file
resource: .
type: redsys
The PaymentBridge must implement PaymentBridgeRedsysInterface
, because you need the extra parameter 'dsOrder'.
To do this you must implement the method getOrderNumber ()
class PaymentBridge implements PaymentBridgeRedsysInterface {
* Return dsOrder identifier value
* @return integer
public function getOrderNumber()