Provides bash scripts to properly setup Ubuntu for web development
Java/MySQL real-time algorithmic trading using Interactive Brokers API
A replacement for the motherboard of the Intex Spa SSP-20 using an ESP32. It adds remote control trough MQTT protocol and a REST server. It also increase the reliability of the Spa (no more E9X err…
An ESP32 based 8 channels motor controller (to replace Homematic IP Floor Heating Actuator)
Full-Featured shell script in order to control the eQ-3 radiator thermostat via linux and Raspberry Pi
AHOY-DTU ( delivers power metrics from inverter via MQTT to ioBroker. Your ioBroker writes this data to InfluxDB. The Grafana dashboard consumes data from InfluxDB…
Software for an esp8266 nodemcu to read data from APS inverters.
An opensource reef tank controller based on Raspberry Pi
Der Esp8266 ist über ein Rs485 Modul mit dem Soyosource 1200 verbunden und kann diesem die Leistungswerte senden. ManualMode: Der Leistungswert kann auf der Esp Webseite eingegeben und gesendet wer…
docker stack for getting started on IOT on the Raspberry PI
Information about RCWL-0516 microwave proximity switch module ( SKU 10630)