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Ths is where the interesting stuff lives.

It's not the safest of stuff, or the most polished stuff, or really practical. But who needs practical when you've got tiger blood?

tiger blood

Did someone say tiger blood? Lets get on with the bi-winning!

ios = require "ios-icons.tiger-blood"

require'ing this submodule instead of the norm one gets you a wrapped version of the lib with extras.


Running pretty much any of the scripts in 7gramrocks will overwrite your icons, but run them anyway! just save a copy of your setup before you melt your face. icons:save_plist("winning_ep1c_win_.plist")

See the 00_BACKUP... file in this dir for details. My success rate is 100 percent. Do the math.

epic winnings (tho obv not 'sheen levels of winning)

file description
sortby_profanity.lua want the most violent apps on pg1? YEAH U DO!
nascar.lua drives icons round in a circle
sorby_color.lua meh
matrix.lua animates a mediocore matrix drop of your icons

using the epic winnings:

brew install graphicsmagick
luarocks make

lua 7gramrocks/nascar.lua