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a lua module enabling communication with iPhone/iPod/iPad device(s) over usb


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ios-icons - scripted iphone/ios icon arrangement

ios-icons is a lua module enabling communication with iPhone/iPod/iPad device(s) over usb for the purposes of icon arrangement.


demo repl session


ios.connect returns a connection for read / set operations.

bash# lua
Lua 5.2.3  Copyright (C) 1994-2013, PUC-Rio
> ios = require "ios-icons"
> conn = ios.connect()
> icons = conn:get_icons()

conn:get_icons() returns a table model of the current icons as arranged on device (by page then (icon or group/icon).

> -- how many (springboard) pages do I have?
> print(#icons)

as well as the model objects, icons contains a bunch of utility methods, like flatten, find, visit ...

> -- how many icons do I have overall?
> print(#icons:flatten())

updating the device

The simplest update you can make swaps two icon positions

> print(icons:dock())
pr0nz, Mail, 1Password, Safari
> -- wait - err, how'd that get there!
> icons:swap(icons[1][1], icons:find("Messages"))
> conn:set_icons(icons)
> print(conn:get_icons()[1])
Messages, Mail, 1Password, Safari

see example_sort and source for more details.

Requirements and Installation

Communication is via usb, using the excellent libimobiledevice and libplist libraries both of which are required to build.

osx install:

brew install lua --with-completion
brew install luarocks libimobiledevice libplist
luarocks install ios-icons

linux install:

As well as osx I've tested on ubuntu (14.4) but the install was significantly more complicated due to incompatible libimobiledevice versions in apt.

I can't ascertain the politics or technical details of why libimobiledevice-2 exists, nor where it's source is hosted online but it appears quite incompatible with the version of the lib I've used, and the header files unfortunately conflict.

To work around this I built libimobiledevice, libplist and libusbmuxd from source, installed each with checkinstall. Tread careful if you decide to follow in my footsteps here - I don't use any of the Linux ios tooling so may have broken rhythmbox/syncing/whatever the kids use these days and I wouldn't even know.

I used lua5.2 from apt and build luarocks from source (although I've since forgotten what failure prompted the manual rocks build).


a lua module enabling communication with iPhone/iPod/iPad device(s) over usb







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