Pinnacle 21
- Santa Monica, CA
Extras Public
Forked from ScoopInstaller/Extras📦 The Extras bucket for Scoop.
PowerShell The Unlicense UpdatedApr 22, 2024 -
AudioCue-maven Public
Forked from philfrei/AudioCue-mavenA Java audio-playback class, modeled on javax.sound.sampled.Clip, enhanced with concurrent playback and dynamic handling of volume, pan and frequency. Maven version.
Java MIT License UpdatedJun 25, 2023 -
humble-benchmarks Public
Forked from rillki/humble-benchmarksBenchmarking programming languages using statistics and machine learning algorithms
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedOct 17, 2021 -
apexstruct Public
A library of data structures for the Salesforce Apex Language
poshdotenv Public
Forked from stopthatastronaut/poshdotenvSimple PowerShell Module to load from .env files
PowerShell UpdatedApr 17, 2021 -
awesome-lwc Public
Forked from Confirm4Crit/awesome-lwcA list of interesting on platform Lightning Web Components resources and code examples
xv6 Public
MIT's xv6 kernel. This is heavily modified and has no guarantee to be correct or even to run.
C Other UpdatedApr 20, 2020 -
ebean-querybean Public
Forked from ebean-orm-deprecated/ebean-querybeanRequired dependency for generated "Query Beans". Query beans provide type safe query construction.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 27, 2020 -
quarkus Public
Forked from quarkusio/quarkusQuarkus: Supersonic Subatomic Java.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 19, 2020 -
Java Public
Forked from ScoopInstaller/Java📦 A bucket for Scoop, for Oracle Java, OpenJDK, Zulu, ojdkbuild, AdoptOpenJDK, Amazon Corretto, BellSoft Liberica and SapMachine.
PowerShell The Unlicense UpdatedMar 15, 2020 -
PowerShell Public
Forked from PowerShell/PowerShellPowerShell for every system!
C# Other UpdatedMar 6, 2020 -
dx-gui Public archive
Cross platform gui for SFDX cli based on react and electron
vf-remote Public archive
An angular service for SFDC VisualForce that automatically hooks all of your remote actions.