The Unzipper extracts .zip and .rar archives or .gz/tar.gz files on webservers. It detects .zip/.rar/.tar.gz/.gz archives and let you choose which one to extract (if there are multiple archives available). As of version 0.1.0 it also supports creating archives.
It's handy if you do not have shell access. E.g. if you want to upload a lot of files (php framework or image collection) as archive - because it is much faster than uploading each file by itself.
PHP 5.3 and newer (If you still run PHP < 5.6 you should consider updating PHP. These old PHP versions do not get any security updates and your site may be vulnerable.)
- Download unzipper.php and place it in the same directory as your .zip archive.
- Set your site prefix (e.g. domain name).
- Set files and folders to skip from being zipped.
- In Browser type URL to unzipper.php
- Choose .zip, .rar archive or .gz file you want to extract
- (Optional) select an extraction path, defaults to current directory
- Click "Unzip Archive"
- (Optional) Set path to zip, defaults to current directory
- Click "Zip Archive"
Beta version state, use at you own risk.
Version 0.1.1g:
- Added zip file name prefix
- Added skip files and folders
- Added filter to not zip .DS_Store files
- Added filter to not zip files that match prefix, preventing to rezip previous tasks
Released under GNU/GPL v3
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