- Simple flask application using application factory, blueprints
Used packages :
- Flask
- Flask-RESTful
- Flask-Migrate
- Flask-SQLAlchemy
- Flask-Marshmallow
- Flask-JWT-Extended
- marshmallow-sqlalchemy
- passlib
- tox
- pytest
- factoryboy
- dotenv
- apispec
You can install it using this command : pip install cookiecutter
Let's say you named your app myapi
and your project myproject
You can install it using pip :
cd myproject
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
If you want to run pytest manually without using tox you'll need to install some dependencies before
pip install pytest pytest-runner pytest-flask pytest-factoryboy factory_boy
Then you can invoke pytest
Note that tox is setting environment variables for you when testing, but when using pytest directly that's not the case. To avoid setting up env variables each time you run pytest, this cookiecutter provide a .testenv
file that contains default configuration for testing. Don't forget to update it if your local env doesn't match those defaults.
- Initial project config.