PostCSS is a tool to transform CSS by JS plugins. This plugins can add vendor prefixes, polyfill CSS 4 features, inline images, add variables and mixins support. PostCSS with most popular Autoprefixer plugin is used by Google, Twitter, Alibaba and Shopify.
PostCSS does same work as Sass, LESS or Stylus. But, instead of preprocessors, PostCSS is modular, 4—40 times faster and much powerful (Autoprefixer is impossible on preprocessors).
PostCSS is very small. It contains only CSS parser, CSS node tree API, source map generator and node tree stringifier. All features (like variables or nesting) are made by plugins. PostCSS plugin is just a JS function, that accepts CSS node tree, reads and transforms some of nodes in tree.
For example, with Autoprefixer, cssnext, CSS Grace, postcss-nested, postcss-mixins and postcss-easings plugins you will be able to write this CSS:
@define-mixin social-icon $color {
& {
background: $color;
&:hover {
background: color($color whiteness(+10%))
.social-icon {
transition: background 200ms ease-in-sine;
font-variant-caps: small-caps;
&.is-twitter {
@mixin social-icon #55acee;
&.is-facebook {
@mixin social-icon #3b5998;
&:active {
opacity: 0.6;
@custom-media --mobile (width <= 640px);
@custom-selector --heading h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6;
.post-article --heading {
margin-top: 10rem;
@media (--mobile) {
margin-top: 0;
Twitter account for articles, releases and new plugins: @postcss. Weibo account: postcss.
- With preprocessors you write your CSS on special programming language. It is like a PHP, but you mix control statement with styles. As result your styles is slow, because programming language is too compilcated. With PostCSS you write styles on normal CSS, just with custom at-rules and functions.
- Preprocessors tools (like Compass) is written mainly in same preprocessors language. As result this tools is very limited. The libraries adds only a custom functions, variables or mixins. There is no way to add new syntax for CSS 4 polyfills. In PostCSS all magic is written on JS and uses big universe of npm packages. So you have better and smarter tools.
- All features is built in this preprocessor’s language. Adding new features is very difficult for developers, so languages develop slow. All features of PostCSS is just a small JS functions, which transform CSS nodes tree. Many developers create new features and you have bigger choice.
Without a plugins, PostCSS just parse your CSS and stringify it back without change of any byte. All features is made by small JS funcions from PostCSS plugins. You can choose only features, that you need.
Variables is a nice example. There are 2 different plugins for variables. postcss-simple-vars has Sass like syntax:
a {
color: $link-color;
postcss-custom-properties is a polyfill for W3C CSS Custom Properties draft:
a {
color: var(--link-color);
In PostCSS you can choose what variables syntax you want or even take both.
PostCSS is one of the fastest CSS parsers written on JS. Only CSSOM is 10% faster and only because it parses CSS not so accurate as PostCSS does. Modular architecture makes PostCSS code is simple and easy to maintain.
As result PostCSS is incredible fast. PostCSS is written on JS, but even with big cssnext plugin pack, it is 4 times faster than libsass written on C++.
If you uses Ruby Sass right now, you will be excited with PostCSS developing process, because PostCSS is 40 times faster that Ruby Sass.
PostCSS plugins can read and rebuild entire CSS node tree. As result PostCSS has many powerful tools that would be impossible on preprocessors. Autoprefixer is a good example of how PostCSS plugin could be useful.
PostCSS allows you to build linters (like doiuse or BEM Linter),
code review tools (like list-selectors) or minifiers (like CSSWring).
With postcss-data-packer plugin you can create a “sprite” from inlined images
by moving all data:uri
values to separated file.
But my favorite example of PostCSS power is RTLCSS. As you know Jews and Arabs
has right-to-left writing. Because writing affects to people perspective
you need to change your site design (check out Arabic Wikipedia).
RTLCSS plugin mirrors you design, replace left
to right
in your styles,
change values order in margin
, etc.
- Add PostCSS to your build tool. See Grunt, Gulp and webpack plugins for further instructions.
- Select plugins from list below and add them to your PostCSS.
- Make awesome products.
- cssnext is a pack of CSS 4 polyfills plugins.
- ACSS contains plugins to control your CSS by special annotation comments.
- Autoprefixer adds vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use.
- cssgrace with helpers and CSS 3 polyfills for IE and other old browsers.
- csswring is a CSS minifier.
- rtlcss mirrors styles for right-to-left locales.
- pixrem is a
unit polyfill. - css-mqpacker joins same CSS media queries into one rule.
- postcss-assets inlines files and inserts image width and height.
- css2modernizr analyzes your CSS and output only used Modernizr’s settings.
- postcss-bem-linter lints CSS for SUIT CSS methodology.
- pleeease-filters converts WebKit filters to SVG filter for other browsers.
- postcss-custom-selectors to add custom alias for selectors.
- doiuse lints CSS for browser support against Can I Use database.
- webpcss adds links to WebP images for browsers that support it.
- postcss-import inlines
rules content. - postcss-nested unwraps nested rules.
- postcss-media-minmax adds
statements to CSS media queries. - postcss-mixins to use mixins.
- postcss-easings replaces easing name to
. - postcss-url rebases or inlines
. - postcss-epub adds
prefix. - postcss-custom-properties is a polyfill for W3C CSS variables spec.
- mq4-hover-shim is a shim for the
@media (hover: hover)
feature. - postcss-color-palette transforms CSS 2 color keywords to a custom palette.
- postcss-custom-media to add custom alias for media queries.
- css-byebye removes CSS rules by some criteria.
- postcss-simple-vars adds Sass-style variables support.
- postcss-data-packer moves an inlined data into a separate file.
- postcss-color-gray adds
function. - postcss-brand-colors inserts branding colors by companies name.
- list-selectors is a code review tool for your CSS.
- postcss-calc reduce
with same units. - postcss-font-variant adds readable front variant properies support.
- postcss-simple-extend adds
support. - postcss-size adds
shorcut to set width and height in one property. - postcss-color-hex transforms
to hex. - postcss-host make
selectors work properly with pseudo-classes. - postcss-color-rebeccapurple is a
color polyfill. - postcss-color-function adds functions to transform colors.
- postcss-color-hex-alpha adds
notation support. - postcss-color-hwb transforms
. - postcss-single-charset pops first
rule. - --csstyle modern approach for crafting modular, beautifully maintainable stylesheets.
var postcss = require('postcss');
var processor = postcss([require('cssnext'), require('cssgrace')]);
var result = processor.process(css, { from: 'app.css', to: 'app.out.css' });
Read postcss function, processor and Result API docs for more details.
By using source maps, a browser’s development tools can indicate the original position of your styles before the css file was transformed. For example, an inspector will show the position in a Sass file, even if the file has been compiled to CSS, concatenated, and minified.
To ensure a correct source map is generated, every CSS processing step should update the map generated by the previous step. For example, a Sass compiler will generate the first map, a concatenation tool should update the Sass step’s map, and a minifier should update the map generated by the concatenation tool.
There are two ways to store a source map:
You can place it in a separate file which contains a special annotation comments pointing to another file:
a { } /*# */
* Or you can inline a base64-encoded source map within a CSS comment:
a { }
/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJmaWxlIjoibWFpbi5taW4uY3NzIiwic291cmNlcyI6WyJtYWluLmNzcyJdLCJuYW1lcyI6W10sIm1hcHBpbmdzIjoiQUFBQSxJQUFLIn0= */
PostCSS has great source map support. To ensure that you generate the correct
source map, you must indicate the input and output CSS files
paths (using the options from
and to
To generate a new source map with the default options, provide map: true
This will inline sourcemap with source content. If you don’t want the map
inlined, you can use map.inline: false
var result = processor.process(css, {
from: 'main.css',
to: 'main.out.css'
map: { inline: false },
}); //=> '{"version":3,"file":"main.out.css","sources":["main.css"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,KAAI"}'
If PostCSS is handling CSS and finds source maps from previous transformations, it will automatically update the CSS with the same options.
// main.sass.css has an annotation comment with a link to
var result = minifier.process(css, { from: 'main.sass.css', to: 'main.min.css' }); //=> Source map from main.sass to main.min.css
If you want more control over source map generation, you can define the map
option as an object with the following parameters:
(boolean): indicates the source map should be inserted into the CSS base64 string as a comment. By default it istrue
. But if all previous map are in separated too, PostCSS will not inline map too.If you inline a source map,
will be empty, as the source map will be contained within the text ofresult.css
. -
(string, object, or boolean): map content from a previous processing step (for example, Sass compilation). PostCSS will try to read the previous source map automatically from the comment within origin CSS, but you can also set manually. If desired, you can omit the previous map withprev: false
.This is a source map option which can be passed to
postcss.parse(css, opts)
. Other options can be passed to thetoResult(opts)
orprocess(css, opts)
methods. -
(boolean): indicates that we should set the origin content (for example, Sass source) of the source map. By default it istrue
. But if all previous map do not contain sources content, PostCSS will miss it too. -
(boolean or string): indicates if we should add annotation comments to the CSS. By default, PostCSS will always add a comment with a path to the source map. But if the previous CSS does not have an annotation comment, PostCSS will omit it too.By default, PostCSS presumes that you want to save the source map as + '.map'
and will use this path in the annotation comment. But you can set another path by providing a string value as theannotation
option.If you set
inline: true
, annotation cannot be disabled.
If you provide a safe: true
option to the process
or parse
PostCSS will try to correct any syntax error that it finds in the CSS.
postcss.parse('a {'); // will throw "Unclosed block"
postcss.parse('a {', { safe: true }); // will return CSS root for a {}
This is useful for legacy code filled with plenty of hacks. Another use case is interactive tools with live input, for example, the Autoprefixer demo.