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This repository contains my personal configurations for ubuntu, archlinux (with i3/sawy/gnome window manager) and apple osx, which was created in Fall 2013 when I was a lonely BSc' student at the Amirkabir University of Technology. First of all, thank you for your visiting, to find out more about how to use this configuration with neovim, oh-my-zsh, etc. please check the following sections. Special thanks to @elahe-dastan for using this project and reporting its issues. Her unique contribution to this repository and my life is unforgettable.
The following command creates a basic directory structure and clones the dotfiles repository:
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/1995parham/dotfiles/main/over-the-air-installation.sh | bash
Install required softwares with pacman/brew.
./start.sh env
Install configuration files with soft-links. This script also sets the zsh as a default shell and installs plugins on neovim and vim.
Install useful fonts.
./start.sh font
Don't forget the git credential setup:
touch $HOME/.gitconfig
git config --global user.name "Parham Alvani"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
Also don't forget to install neovim plugins:
Then you can install other tools with start.sh
, here are some examples:
# install docker with proxy (see <Breaking Sanctions> section for more details)
./start.sh docker
# install golang
./start.sh go
# install python
./start.sh python
# and many many more...
Configuration of mentioned applications also is a part of this repository.