Tags: geelen/miniflare
Bump versions to `2.12.1`, update `CHANGELOG.md` (cloudflare#514) * Bump versions to `2.12.1`, update `CHANGELOG.md` * fixup! Bump versions to `2.12.1`, update `CHANGELOG.md`
Include `lib` in distribution, and bump to `3.0.0-next.10`
Add pretty-error page infrastructure (cloudflare#436) This adds Miniflare 2's pretty-error page powered by [Youch](https://github.com/poppinss/youch) to Miniflare 3. Unfortunately, due to a bug in `workerd`, errors thrown asynchronously by native APIs don't have `stack`s. This means we can't extract the `stack` trace from dispatching to the user worker by `try`/`catch`. As a stop-gap solution, if the `MF-Experimental-Error-Stack` header exists and is truthy on the response from the user worker, the body will be interpreted as a JSON-error of the form `{ message?: string, name?: string, stack?: string }`. `stack` will be source-mapped if possible. Another issue is that `workerd` gives all service-worker scripts the name "worker.js", so if multiple service-workers are defined, we can't identify which one threw. In this case, we don't display sources in the pretty-error page. Hopefully, we can fix both of these issues in `workerd`. We should be able to reuse most of this infrastructure with `try`/`catch`s too.
Bump version to `3.0.0-next.4` Adds `duplex: "half"` as required by `[email protected]`