convert openscad design to step brep
The mesh output from OpenSCAD is not suitable for CNC (the actual shapes are not preserved to compile sane G-CODE). There's no way to add these information after the object is "rendered" to mesh, these information are lost forever. The arcs are turned to polygons, the surfaces are also turned to a mesh, etc. Because of this the only way to build a usable STEP file is to go back to the CSG output of OpenSCAD and rebuild the object using OPENCASCADE which is the only open source BREP library I know.
Use my fork of OCC-CSG: branch: sweep
This fork has the necessary changes to support the complex conversions:
- sweep command for rotate_extrude
- random rotation for rotationally symmetric primitives
- brep analysis for csg operation to prevent crashes
Compile and install this tool with the extended features.
You also need to have OpenSCAD installed and available in your path. part.scad [loops] [args]
part.scad: the OpenSCAD file to be converted
loops: number of STEP parts generated
for complex objects multiple rounds needed to convert successfully
[default: 1]
args: additional OpenSCAD parameters
[default: none]
compile and install OCC-CSG (use my fork and the sweep branch)
git clone ; cd OCC-CSG ; git checkout sweep ; mkdir build ; cd build ; cmake .. ; make ; sudo make install
build these utilities with cloning this repo and make
git clone [email protected]:gega/csg2stp.git ; cd csg2stp ; make
open your design in OpenSCAD, render and export as CSG
openscad -o model.csg model.scad
feed the csg to csg2xml and redirect the stdout to an xml file
./csg2xml <model.csg >model.xml
use xml2mak to generate a makefile
./xml2mak model.xml model.stp >model.mak
use make -f with the generated makefile
make -f model.mak
model.stp is generated, check if valid and complete, if not, go to step 6 and try again
NOTE: The following OpenSCAD commands are not supported because OPENCASCADE doesn't implement them:
- hull
- import
- projection
- minkowski
WARNING: The process is not deterministic, for some models it needs to be converted several times in order to get the proper results!