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Generate webserver pages on esp devices and control their html elements at runtime using web sockets.


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Multi-platform library for controlling html elements in a esp webpages at runtime using web sockets.


A library allowing linking html elements to sketch variables on pages hosted on esp32/esp8266 devices. It uses a web socket server on the esp device and a JavaScript web socket client implementation on the web page allowing bi-directional real-time communication between device and page.

In a typical webpage, html elements like input box, textbox, range, checkbox can be binded with ControlAssist internal variables using their unique html ids in order to associate their values. A vectors list will be generated to hold all associated element keys and their values.

How it works

Every time an element is changing its value in the web page, a web socket message will be send to server and ControlAssist will update its internal value. Also if you change a ControlAssist value inside your sketch, a message will be automatically send to client and the value of the associated html element will be updated.

ControlAssist will automatically add JavaScript onChange handlers to the web page html code, so the binded elements will transmit their changes automatically to the server. It will also add JavaScript code to handle incoming web sockets messages so the values of the binded html elements can be updated.

ESP device will transmit changes to all connected web socket clients. This will make possible to have one ESP device and multiple Web pages opened from different places inside the network, receiving and sending changes.


  • Automate variables and html elements in a typical ESP32/ESP8266 project using web sockets communication.
  • Automatic reconnects on wifi disconnections.
  • Auto synchronize ESP32/ESP8266 internal variables with webpage elements.
  • Automatically generate required webpage scripts to handle connections and changes.
  • Support bi-directional hi-speed communications.
  • Allow mult-client applications. (One esp, multiple pages)
  • Support web sockets over AP connections.

How to use

Define yours internal page html code sections at Program mem.

PROGMEM const char HTML_HEADERS[] = R"=====(<!DOCTYPE HTML>)=====";
PROGMEM const char HTML_BODY[] = R"=====(<body></body>)=====";
PROGMEM const char HTML_FOOTER[] = R"=====(</htmll>)=====";

You can also upload page html code sections to spiffs as a html files

ControlAssist init functions

Define and initialize you class

  • include the ControlAssist class

    • #include <ControlAssist.h> //ControlAssist class
  • Define your static instance

    • ControlAssist ctrl; //Default port 81
    • ControlAssist ctrl(port); //Use port
  • in your setup you must initialize control class by setting your webpage html code.

    • ctrl.setHtmlHeaders(HTML_HEADERS);
    • ctrl.setHtmlBody(HTML_BODY);
    • ctrl.setHtmlFooter(HTML_SCRIPT);
  • You can also use spiffs for the html code. Upload the files contained in the /data folder to your spiffs and define the file names.

    • #define HTML_HEADERS_FILENAME "/src/ESPVisualizer/ESP8266Wemos-VisH.html"
    • #define HTML_BODY_FILENAME "/src/ESPVisualizer/ESP8266Wemos-VisB.html"
    • #define HTML_SCRIPT_FILENAME "/src/ESPVisualizer/ESP8266Wemos-VisF.html"
  • Set the files to be loaded when the page is requested.

    • ctrl.setHtmlHeadersFile(HTML_HEADERS_FILENAME);

    • ctrl.setHtmlBodyFile(HTML_BODY_FILENAME);

    • ctrl.setHtmlFooterFile(HTML_SCRIPT_FILENAME);

      See example ControlAssist-ESPVisualizer

  • in your setup you must bind the html elements you want to control.

    • ctrl.bind("html_id"); to link the html element
    • ctrl.bind("html_id", start_value ); if you need to bind and init for sending on connection
    • ctrl.bind("html_id", start_value, changeFunction); if you need also to handle changes
  • in your setup specify if you want to auto send key initial values during web socket connection.

    • ctrl.setAutoSendOnCon("html_id",true /* send: enable/disable */);
    • ctrl.put("html_id", value); // Set a default value to be send
  • Configure web server to handle control assist page on a uri

    •     server.on("/", []() {
            String res = "";
            while( ctrl.getHtmlChunk(res)){
  • If you want to use a global callback function to handle key changes

    • ctrl.setGlobalCallback(globalChangeFuncion);
  • Start websockets server and listen for web socket client connections

    • ctrl.begin();

ControlAssist control functions

Controlling your elements inside you loop function

  • Change the values of html elements.

    • ctrl.put("html_id", value, /* forceSend: send even no change */, /* forceAdd: add key if not exists */ );
  • Read current value of html element

    • html_val = ctrl["html_id"]
  • Handle changes inside your code with a handler function

    • void globalChangeFuncion(uint8_t ndx){ String key = ctrl[ndx].key; int val = ctrl[ndx].val.toInt() }
  • Inside your main loop() call ControlAssist loop() to handle web sockets server clients

    • ctrl.loop();
Note that when a html control is "binded" (linked to some backend variable), the library checks whether the new value in ctrl.put differs from the previous send or initial value. If there’s no change, ControlAssist by default does not resend the same value to conserve bandwidth. You can use forceSend in ctrl.put to send even if there is no change. This optimization is particularly important in applications where frequent updates could lead to performance bottlenecks or excessive network usage (e.g., sliders, real-time monitoring systems, or IoT dashboards).

JavaScript handlers inside your webpage

A JavaScript event wsChange will be automatically send to each html element when the esp device changes it's value. You can add a JavaScript event listener on this event at your web page. So it will be possible to perform custom tasks when elements value is updated by web sockets.

html_id.addEventListener("wsChange", (event) => {
    //Get the changed value
    value =
    return false;

See example ControlAssist-Gauge.ino

Logging and debugging with log level

In you application you use LOG_E, LOG_W, LOG_I, LOG_D macros instead of Serial.prinf to print your messages. ControlAssist displays these messages with timestamps

You can define log level for each module

build_flags = -DLOGGER_LOG_LEVEL=5
#define _LOG_LEVEL_NONE      (0)
#define _LOG_LEVEL_ERROR     (1)
#define _LOG_LEVEL_WARN      (2)
#define _LOG_LEVEL_INFO      (3)
#define _LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG     (4)
#define _LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE   (5)


Download library files and place them on ./libraries directory under ArduinoProjects Then include the ControlAssist.h in your application and compile..

  • Compile for arduino-esp32 or arduino-esp8266.
  • In order to compile you must install WebSocketsServer library.
  • Use compiler flags build_flags = -DCA_USE_LITTLEFS to use LITTLEFS instead of SPIFFS
If you get compilation errors on arduino-esp32 you need to update your arduino-esp32 library in the IDE using Boards Manager