Takes a screenshot every 5 seconds. For timelapses
Thanks to Semper-Viventem for making it more readable ;)
Run gradle "jar" task.
Generated file will be placed in build/libs.
Alternatively, you can just download the build: https://github.com/gen1nya/screenshoter/releases
java -jar SCREENSHOTER-1.1.jar
Captured screenshots and signature will be placed in screenshots_tiemstamp folder.
After first run app also generate configuration file screenshoter.yaml with content like this:
!!entities.Configuration {lastDir: screenshots_1606177049972\, screenshotInterval: 5}
If you want to change interval betveen capturing - change screenshotInterval
Run in screenshots folder:
ffmpeg -r 5 -f concat -safe 0 -i names.txt -vsync vfr output.mp4
- images per second.