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  • vim-plug

    Plug 'glepnir/dashboard-nvim'
  • dein

    call dein#add('glepnir/dashboard-nvim')


  • Use g:dashboard_default_executive to select which fuzzy search plugins that you would like to apply:

    " Default value is clap
    let g:dashboard_default_executive ='clap'
  • Dashboard utilises some vim-clap, fzf.vim, and telescope.nvim commands and displays the result in popup windows. The built-in dashboard commands executed are based on the plugin you set in previous session.

    • DashboardFindFile is the same as:
      • vim-clap: Clap files ++finder=rg --ignore --hidden --files
      • fzf.vim: Files
      • telescope.nvim: Telescope find_files
    • DashboardFindHistory:
      • vim-clap: Clap history
      • fzf.vim: History
      • telescope.nvim: Telescope oldfiles
    • DashboardChangeColorscheme:
      • vim-clap: Clap colors
      • fzf.vim: Colors
      • telescope.nvim: Telescope colorscheme
    • DashboardFindWord:
      • vim-clap: Clap grep2
      • fzf.vim: Rg or Ag
      • telescope.nvim: Telescope live_grep
    • DashboardJumpMark:
      • vim-clap: Clap marks
      • fzf.vim: Marks
      • telescope.nvim: Telescope marks

    If you have already defined the vim-clap/fzf/telescope commands, just set your keymaps into g:dashboard_custom_shortcut.

    If you want to use the built-in commands, you can create the dashboard command keymappings (refer to Minimal Vimrc session Line 8-13) then set them into g:dashboard_custom_shortcut.

    eg : "SPC mean the leaderkey
    let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut={
    \ 'last_session'       : 'SPC s l',
    \ 'find_history'       : 'SPC f h',
    \ 'find_file'          : 'SPC f f',
    \ 'new_file'           : 'SPC c n',
    \ 'change_colorscheme' : 'SPC t c',
    \ 'find_word'          : 'SPC f a',
    \ 'book_marks'         : 'SPC f b',
    \ }
  • g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon customs the shortcut icons:

    Note: There is one extra space after the icon character to improve visibility.

    let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['last_session'] = ''
    let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['find_history'] = ''
    let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['find_file'] = ''
    let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['new_file'] = ''
    let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['change_colorscheme'] = ''
    let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['find_word'] = ''
    let g:dashboard_custom_shortcut_icon['book_marks'] = ''
  • What does the shortcut do?

    Just a tip like whichkey, on the dashboard, shortcuts are items that you can use the cursor to navigate around and press Enter to confirm.

  • g:dashboard_custom_header customs the dashboard header (same as startify). Check wiki to find more Ascii Text Header collections.

  • g:dashboard_custom_footer customs the dashboard footer (same as startify).

  • Dashboard provides session support. With SessionLoad and SessionSave commands, you can define keymaps like below:

    nmap <Leader>ss :<C-u>SessionSave<CR>
    nmap <Leader>sl :<C-u>SessionLoad<CR>

    Set dashboard_session_directory to change the session folder which by default is ~/.cache/vim/session.

  • Highlight groups

  • Autocmd Dashboard DashboardReady are the same as vim-startify.

  • g:dashboard_custom_section customs your own sections.

    It's a dictionary (or function returning a dictionary) whose entries will be your DIY shortcuts.

    Each entry will be an object that must contain attribute description and attribute command:

    • description is a string shown in Dashboard buffer.
    • command is a string or funcref type. You can pass every command from all fuzzy find plugins you used.
    let g:dashboard_custom_section={
      \ 'buffer_list': {
          \ 'description': [' Recently lase session                 SPC b b'],
          \ 'command': 'Some Command' or function('your funciton name') }
      \ }
  • some options for fzf :

    • g:dashboard_fzf_float : default is 1.
    • g:dashboard_fzf_engine: default is rg, while the other value is ag.
  • dashboard_preview_command: use a command that can print output to a neovim built-in terminal. e.g. cat

  • dashboard_preview_pipeline: pipeline command.

  • dashboard_preview_file: the string path of your preview file.

  • dashboard_preview_file_height: the height of the preview file.

  • dashboard_preview_file_width: the width of the preview file.

Minimal Vimrc

You can replace the vim-clap or fzf.vim commands by dashboard commands.

Plug 'glepnir/dashboard-nvim'
Plug 'liuchengxu/vim-clap' or Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim' or Plug 'nvim-lua/telescope.nvim'

let g:mapleader="\<Space>"
let g:dashboard_default_executive ='clap' or 'fzf' or 'telescope'
nmap <Leader>ss :<C-u>SessionSave<CR>
nmap <Leader>sl :<C-u>SessionLoad<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>fh :DashboardFindHistory<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>ff :DashboardFindFile<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>tc :DashboardChangeColorscheme<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>fa :DashboardFindWord<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>fb :DashboardJumpMark<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>cn :DashboardNewFile<CR>


  • Config as Demo

    Thanks @sunjon create this neovim logo. you can find it in here

    vim.g.dashboard_preview_command = 'cat'
    vim.g.dashboard_preview_pipeline = 'lolcat'
    vim.g.dashboard_preview_file = path to logo file like
    vim.g.dashboard_preview_file_height = 12
    vim.g.dashboard_preview_file_width = 80
  • What is the difference between this plugin and vim-startify?

    Dashboard is inspired by doom-emacs. vim-startify provides a list of many files, MRU old files, etc. But do we really need that list? We merely just wanna open one single file, while the huge files list is constantly occupying a lot of space.

    Dashboard uses fuzzy search plugins, pop-up menus that hide all the lists and display only if needed. In addition, more functionalities are brought in.

  • How to work with indentLine plugin?

    Disable the plugin while in dashboard:

    let g:indentLine_fileTypeExclude = ['dashboard']
  • How to disable the tabline in dashboard buffer?

    autocmd FileType dashboard set showtabline=0 | autocmd WinLeave <buffer> set showtabline=2


  • MIT


vim dashboard







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