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A very simple state machine library for Ruby classes


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This is a very simple library that allows defining state machines to Ruby classes. The project is still under construction and the features available are:

- Define states using `state`
- Define events using `event`
  * it receives a name and a block containing the transition for that specific event
- Define transition between states using `transitions`
  * transitions
    > it receives a name as first argument
    > the following arguments must contain from: and to:, which represents states
    > it is possible to define a guard_clause using `when` that can be a lambda or a method call
- There are 3 types of callbacks
  * on_enter: triggered when entering a state
  * on_leave: triggered after leaving a state
  * on_transition: triggered when a specific transition is run


In order to help things out, the project itself is dockerized and can be run using only docker with a simple script in the root folder.

$ ./state_machine
This is the state_machine script you can use to run console, bash, tests and so on.

Usage: state_machine <option> <arguments>

Available options:
 setup: build docker image
 start: run the application
 run: run given command inside the container
 tests: run tests
 console: start ruby console
 rubocop: runs statis code analyzer
 sh: bring up a sh session
 diagram: generates a sample diagram for a state machine

Hope you have fun!


$ ./state_machine setup
Building state_machine
Successfully built 9cd3b9699a63
Successfully tagged state_machine:latest


Tests are written using rspec and can be run using docker with the following command:

$ ./state_machine tests

or simply (make sure to run $ bundle install before)

$ rspec .

Sample Diagram

The library depends on GraphViz gem in order to generate diagrams for the state machines. There is a sample diagram that can be generated with:

$ ./state_machine diagram

The state machine definition can be found at ./bin/sample_diagram and the image file at ./tmp/TIMESTAMP_sample_diagram.png

You can also require this class in your application and generate a diagram for your own class.

require 'diagram/generator'

instance =

diagram =, output_path)

This will generate a png file with your state machine and events and save it in output_path.


Make sure to include StateMachine in your class. Here is an example

class Processor
  include StateMachine

  state :pending, initial: true
  state :running
  state :done
  state :error

  event :run
    transition from: :pending, to: :run, when -> { ready_to_run? }

  event :fail
    transition from: [:pending, :running], to: :error

  on_enter :done do
    log('finished processing')

  on_transition :fail do
    alert('failed processing)

  def ready_to_run?
    # your code


There are basically two modules and a few classes responsible for implementing the state machine.

  • Parser module is responsible for implementing the methods :state, :event, :transition and the callbacks. It parses data and registers them basically in hashes that can be accessed directly when changing state machine states;
    • it raises OnlyOneInitialStateAllowed if initial state is defined more than once;
      • initial state can be configured in the state machine or when initializing the class, the precedence is the latest;
    • it raises InvalidStateInTransition if a particular transition is defined to use a state that has not been defined before;
  • StateMachine is responsible for gathering the data parsed from Parser and defining methods that can be used in your own class, such as:
    • can_TRANSITION? - if transition can be made regarding if it exists or the guard clause returns true;
    • STATE? - if the machine is in this state, returns true or false;
    • EVENT! - makes the transition from current_state to the transition definition state, it will raise InvalidTransition if transition is not defined or TransitionGuardClauseViolated if guard clause fails.
  • StateMachine is also responsible for running callbacks parsed by Parser.
    • When making a particular transition, the callbacks are run in the following order:
      • run leave current state callback
      • run transition callback
      • change current state to the destination state
      • run enter state callback for the destination on
  • Validators run validations such as: invalid transition or when a guard clause returns false;


The first thing that was thought and designed was the data structure for the state machine, it basically uses two hashes, one for the events and the other for the callbacks. This way, it is a little bit more expensive to parse but faster to access and make the specific transitions or running callbacks.

For the following class:

class StateMachineExampleClass
  include StateMachine

  state :standing, initial: true
  state :walking
  state :running

  event :walk do
    transitions from: :standing, to: :walking

  event :run do
    transitions from: [:standing, :walking], to: :running, when: :test_when_clause

  event :hold do
    transitions from: [:walking, :running], to: :standing, when: -> { 1 != 2 }

  on_enter :walking do
    puts "entering walking state"

  on_leave :running do
    puts "leaving running state"

  on_transition :hold do
    puts "running hold transition"

  def test_when_clause

It will generate the following data structures:

The events Hash

:walk => {
    :standing => <Transition @from=:standing, @to=:walking, @guard=nil>
:run => {
    :standing => <Transition @from=:standing, @to=:running, @guard=:test_when_clause>,
    :walking => <Transition @from=:walking, @to=:running, @guard=:test_when_clause>
    :walking => <Transition @from=:walking, @to=:standing, @guard=<Proc (irb):17 (lambda)>>,
    :running => <Transition @from=:running, @to=:standing, @guard=<Proc (irb):17 (lambda)>>

The callbacks Hash

  :enter_state => { :walking => <Callback @code_block=#<Proc:0x0000556c46d00bf8 (irb):20>> },
  :leave_state => { :running => <Callback @code_block=#<Proc:0x0000556c46d00b58 (irb):24>> },
  :transition => { :hold => <Callback @code_block=#<Proc:0x0000556c46d00a90 (irb):28>> }

Where to improve?

There are a few of things that can be refactored and extracted:

  • remove coupling between event and transitions, specially where they are arguments in StateMachine module.
  • refactor callbacks so you have an object that can be called instead of running directly the lambda
  • remove the dependencies that Transaction class has to the object when running a method guard clause


A very simple state machine library for Ruby classes







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