A blog made for dogs
To install this application locally clone the repository located at the Github profile in the Github section. Additionally, you will need to install the progrmas in the Programs section individually or by running npm install.
AS A dog
I WANT to deemphasize this classes’ bias towards cats
AND I WANT a platform to discuss my feelings
SO THAT I can easily communicate with other dogs and dog owners
GIVEN a user login interface
WHEN I create an account or log-in
THEN I am taken to a members page
WHEN I fill out a blog post form
THEN I my post is added to the main list of blogs
WHEN I click on the resources button
THEN I am shown places of interest that are relevant to me in my area
This release does not have any tests.
Liz Larkin
Franco Phan
Geoffrey Jiang
Clinton Chunga
Jason Richards