The official website for GeoJupyter. To learn more about GeoJupyter itself, visit the website!
This is a Quarto project. The development environment is managed by Pixi.
pixi run preview
This will start a local preview server. View your changes immediately in your browser! Any changes to the website content will trigger an automatic re-render.
pixi run render
Initialize meeting notes on HackMD by navigating to the "Actions" tab of this repo. Then select "Setup / sync meeting notes" on the left panel. Now click "Run workflow" in the main workflow listing panel. Finally, fill in the kind of meeting you're initializing and the date, and click "Run workflow".
A Pull Request and HackMD document will be created. Visit the PR to find the HackMD link.
When you're ready to sync data from HackMD back to GitHub, comment in the PR with /bot please sync notes
See PR #32 for an example.
This job may occasionally fail with e.g. 403 response from HackMD. In the past, re-running the job has worked.